
The purpose of this project is to design and conduct an evaluation to better understand the implementation and outcomes of the National Guard Youth Challenge and Job Challenge program. The evaluation will provide information on the DOL Job Challenge grants and the experiences and outcomes of participants including court-involved youth.

Research Questions:

  • How was the Youth Challenge program implemented under the Job Challenge grant?
  • How was the Job Challenge program implemented?
  • How did the programs recruit and select youth for Job Challenge?
  • How did youth experience the post-residential phase?
  • What were the outcomes of Youth Challenge and Job Challenge participants?
  • What expectations did youth have for the future?
  • What can we learn from these grants about possible program models to serve court-involved and other at-risk youth?
  • What can we learn from this implementation and outcomes study about the conditions that would be necessary to have a future impact study evaluation of Job Challenge?

Key Components:

  • An evaluability assessment to build knowledge about the program to be used to design an evaluation which includes understanding the added value of the DOL Job Challenge and the effectiveness of the program for court-involved youth
  • Generating recommendations for evaluation design
  • Conducting an implementation and outcome or impact evaluation

Project Duration: 5 Years

Contract End Date: May 2020

Contractor: Mathematica Policy Research (in partnership with MDRC)

For More Information: ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov


The Department of Labor's (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy. CEO’s research development process includes extensive technical review at the design, data collection and analysis stage, including: external contractor review and OMB review and approval of data collection methods and instruments per the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), review by academic peers (e.g., Technical Working Groups), and inputs from relevant DOL agency and program officials and CEO technical staff. Final reports undergo an additional independent expert technical review and a review for Section 508 compliance prior to publication. The resulting reports represent findings from this independent research and do not represent DOL positions or policies.