Mexico NAO Submission 9804 (Yale/INS)

NAALC Office
Mexico NAO Submission 9804 (Yale/INS)
NAALC Summary

This submission was filed with the Mexican NAO on September 22, 1998 and accepted for review on November 23, 1998. The submission was filed by a group of immigration rights and union organizations headed by the Yale Law School Workers' Rights Project. The submission argues that the U.S. fails to enforce its existing minimum wage and overtime protections in workplaces employing foreign nationals due to the Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Labor and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which delineated enforcement responsibilities and provided for sharing of information. The U.S. Department of Labor and the Immigration and Naturalization Service issued a revised Memorandum of Understanding on November 23, 1998 to more clearly delineate the enforcement roles and responsibilities of the departments. The Mexican NAO issued its Public Report of Review and formally requested ministerial consultations on October 30, 2000. The U.S. Secretary of Labor formally accepted the request for ministerial consultations on January 30, 2002. Consistent with the Ministerial Consultations Joint Declaration signed June 11, 2002 by Secretaries Chao and Abascal, the U.S. and Mexico agreed to undertake a series of efforts to address the issues raised in Mexico NAO Submission 9804, which include: Development of informational materials by DOL addressing workplace rights of migrant workers in the United States. Materials such as brochures, pamphlets, and videos are to be produced in Spanish and are to be disseminated in areas of highest concentration of migrant workers in the United States. Promotion of ongoing collaboration between the governments for the replication throughout the United States of model efforts to promote the protection of labor rights of migrant workers

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