Job Accommodations

A job accommodation is an adjustment to a job or work environment that makes it possible for an individual with a disability, including some impairments related to Long COVID, to perform their job duties. ODEP funds the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), which provides free, confidential guidance on workplace accommodations.

Returning to Work after Illness

Five states are testing coordinated stay-at-work/return-to-work services for ill or injured workers, including those recovering from COVID-19. ODEP conducts an initiative called Retaining Employment and Talent after Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN) in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration and Social Security Administration. Individuals from these states who are experiencing symptoms from COVID-19 and wish to participate in a return-to-work program can visit the links below for more information:

Employee Rights and Benefits

Understand and exercise your rights under the law and, when possible, recover any benefits you are owed.

Employment Services, Job Training and Unemployment Insurance

Work experience and training programs for people entering or returning to the workforce.

Laid off due to COVID-19 impacts?

COVID-19 is making life stressful for nearly everyone. Find out how to access mental health care if you need it.

Do you need help with your mortgage, rent or energy bills dues to COVID-19?

Wages, Hours and Leave

Workers' Compensation

Financial Security

Health and Safety