Office Overview

Evidence-based policymaking has necessitated a modern data infrastructure and strengthened data capacity. Across the agencies within the Department of Labor, data—which are essential to setting policy and delivering efficiently and effectively on the Department's mission of serving America's workforce—are collected every day. In some cases, these data may not be leveraged, housed, formatted, or made public in ways that best serve the needs of DOL or its stakeholders. 

The Office of Data Governance (ODG) was established in 2020 to formally support the Data Board and lead efforts on the creation, implementation, and oversight of a data governance model that establishes authority, roles and responsibilities, management, and decision-making parameters related to the data created, collected, managed, or otherwise controlled by the Department.  The programs and work of this office bring a more central focus to the quality, consistency, documentation, and availability of data, and the many ways in which it informs and influences how DOL carries out its mission. ODG leads agencies towards more optimal and enterprise-focused approaches to data management, efforts to improve the quality, utility and comprehensibility of data, and coordinates activities to maximize the extent of open data, data sharing, and use of enterprise data standards. Follow the links below to learn more about topic areas, programs, and projects ODG is leading: 

Latest Releases

Open Data Plan

Explore our plan to make open data easier to share, access, and use.


Data Inventory

Our Enterprise Data Inventory contains a comprehensive list of data collections, including information about data stewards, data set descriptors, and other characteristics that are useful in describing content, format and special features within the datasets.


Data Strategy

Learn more about current and prospective efforts to create and improve capabilities that support better alignment of data operations, more effective data management, and greater use of data to inform program administration and decision-making.  


Contact Us

For more information about data governance at the Department of Labor or to ask us a question, reach out to