About the Gallery

Explore our data visualizations to discover trends and better understand the impact of our programs.

  • Small teaser chart of of the number of private pension plans by type.

    Learn about trends in defined benefit and contribution plan counts since 1975.

    Topics: ERISA, Form 5500, Benefit Plan

  • Small teaser map of states colored by veterans unemployment rates.

    Explore the variation in veterans unemployment rates by state over time.

    Topics: Veterans, Unemployment Rate, State

  • Small teaser chart of back wages in low wage high violation industries.

    View the evolution of back wages recovered for workers by industry.

    Topics: FLSA, Back Wages, Industries, Workers

  • Small teaser image of TAA program dashboard.

    Learn about the eligibility, funding, participation, and outcomes of the TAA program.

    Topics: Trade Act, Eligibility, Participants, Outcomes, Funding, Workers, State

  • Small teaser image of TAA petitions dashboard.

    Get information about worker groups that have been certified or denied eligibility.

    Topics: Trade Act, Petitions, Determinations, Certifications, Workers

  • Small teaser image of TAA financial dashboard.

    Explore the funding provided to states for the TAA program and its benefits.

    Topics: Trade Act, Financial, Grantees, State

  • Small teaser map of states colored by the employment-population ratio for people with disabilities ages 18-64.

    Explore the employment rate for people with disabilities by state and race/ethnicity.

    Topics: Disability, Employment-Population Ratio, Workers, State, Race/Ethnicity

  • Small teaser map of states colored by median annual earnings for workers with disabilities.

    Explore median annual earnings for workers with disabilities by state and sex.

    Topics: Disability, Earnings, Workers, State, Sex