Career Development
Career development is a process in which all youth choose and prepare for careers that fit their interests, skills, and values by participating in the three key phases of self-exploration, career exploration, and career planning and management. Families play an important role in guiding their youth through these phases by exploring real applications of career development activities and encouraging youth to get involved. Individualized learning plans (ILPs) are another valuable tool that families can share with the young people in their lives to guide them in taking charge of their future career goals and plans.
- "Shelly Saves the Future: A Story of Career Development" Informational Comic - Follow high school senior Shelly as she uses an ILP to take charge of her future.
- "Kickstart Your ILP" Toolkit - This toolkit provides students with tips on how to jumpstart their ILPs as well as a checklist of steps to complete during each year of high school.
Soft Skills
Soft skills are necessary for youth to succeed in education, job training, independent living, community participation, and, ultimately, in the workplace. Families of youth with and without disabilities play a key role in helping their children learn expected behaviors, understand the unspoken rules of the workplace, and deal with personality conflicts. Parents are also aware of their child's strengths and can build upon those assets in the process of developing soft skills. View the following resources to learn tips on how families can help youth develop soft skills.
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills - Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success
- Habilidades sociales para salir adelante - Dominar habilidades sociales para tener éxito en el trabajo y un futuro seguro
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills - Video Series
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills - Video Series and Discussion Guide on DVD
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills - Video Discussion Guide (PDF)
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills - Rack Card (PDF)
- The Impact of Web-Based Game Play on Soft Skills Education