
Expect. Employ. Empower.


Poster Description

The 2014 NDEAM theme, EXPECT.EMPLOY.EMPOWER. appears in large white letters at the center of the poster on a blue backdrop of a collage of images of people with disabilities in a variety of work settings. On the right side is a large image from the back of a female wheelchair user. On the back of her chair are the words What can YOU do? The words at the bottom on a silver banner include National Disability Employment Awareness Month, DOL’s logo with the words Office of Disability Employment Policy United States Department of Labor and ODEP’s website:

Poster Availability

Downloadable versions of the poster are available in English and Spanish

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NDEAM 2014 poster: Expect. Employ. Empower.

NDEAM 2014 poster: Porque Somos CAPACES de Realizar la Tarea