Example in Action: UNI Global Union Negotiates IFA Collective Bargaining Agreements with Multinational Companies to Meet Workers’ Needs

Flags from different countries waving in the wind
Photo Credit: Vladislav Klapin_Unsplash

UNI Global Union is a federation for the skills and services sectors, with affiliated unions in 150 countries and representing 20 million workers. UNI Global Union has negotiated over 50 global agreements with multinational companies including H&M, DHL, Telefonica, and Banco de Brazil, among others, to secure and enforce the rights of workers throughout their global operations. These agreements are critical tools for ensuring the right to organize and collectively bargain—free from fear or employer interference. They are especially important where local management and governments routinely ignore these rights and are vital in environments where norms are anti-union. In recent years, global agreements signed by UNI and other partners have expanded in scope to include issues such as maternity leave, the right to disconnect from work after working hours, policies to end discrimination and sexual violence, remote work, and health and safety. UNI Global Union’s agreements build worker power and encourage worker-led social compliance.

For more information and copies of recent agreements, see this link:  https://uniglobalunion.org/

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