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Making Virtual Meetings Inclusive

The past few years have demonstrated that telework is not only possible but highly effective. Because more applicants and employees seek telework opportunities, employers have a powerful recruitment and retention tool by utilizing accessible virtual platforms. This is especially true for employers hiring and supporting employees with disabilities who often benefit from telework as an accommodation. As telework becomes more common, ensuring it is inclusive and accessible for all employees is vital.

One way to boost inclusion in your virtual workplace is by creating accessible online meetings. Many companies have a preferred platform where they can host meetings virtually. Still, they often are not aware of the accessibility features these platforms provide. By enabling accessibility features, you can make sure you include all employees, clients and guests in the meetings you host.

To help employers understand available accessibility features and how to use them, the ODEP-funded Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) developed helpful articles and checklists. You can refer to resources like the 4 Elements of an Accessible Meeting Platform, a Checklist for an Accessible Virtual Meeting & Presentation and a guide on How to Handle Captioning & ASL Requests for Virtual Meetings.

These resources share tips and best practices to ensure employers know how to procure accessible virtual meeting platforms and use the technology they acquire in inclusive ways. PEAT also gives detailed information on asking virtual meeting attendees to request accommodations and shares sample language you can use for your next virtual event invitation.

To learn more, visit the PEAT website.