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Creating a Mental Health-Friendly Workplace: An EARN Training Module

Just in time for Mental Health Awareness Month, the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) has released a new training module on creating a mental health-friendly workplace.

Graphic showing the four A's of a mental-health friendly workplace, which are 1. Build AWARENESS and a Supportive Culture 2. Provide ACCOMMODATIONS to Employees 3. Offer Employee ASSISTANCE 4. Ensure ACCESS to TreatmentA companion resource to EARN’s Mental Health Toolkit, the short online course is designed to help employers learn strategies for supporting worker mental health. It provides a deeper dive into the 4As outlined in EARN’s Mental Health Toolkit—build awareness and supportive culture, provide accommodations to employees with mental health conditions, offer employee assistance and ensure access to mental health treatment—along with links to valuable online resources. The module also features a series of quiz questions to help users assess how well they retained the information presented.

“Mental health conditions impact one in five American adults each year,” the module explains. “EARN’s Mental Health Toolkit and training are a gateway to background, tools and resources that can help employers learn how to support workplace mental health and wellbeing and cultivate a welcoming and supportive work environment for all employees, including those with mental health conditions.”

Visit EARN’s website to access the Mental Health Toolkit and Training Module.