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Questions About COVID-19, Vaccinations and the ADA? Ask JAN.

Can my business mandate that workers receive a COVID-19 vaccination? How does COVID-19 impact my responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities? Are “Long COVID” symptoms covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and how can I support employees who are experiencing them?

As more and more workplaces resume regular operations in the wake of COVID-19, these are just a few of the many questions employers may have to navigate. To help, the ODEP-funded Job Accommodation Network (JAN) has assembled a valuable suite of resources, adding to it as new issues emerge.

Among the most recent additions to JAN’s COVID-19 webpage are frequently asked questions (FAQs) on COVID-19 Vaccination and the ADA and COVID-19 Long Haulers and the ADA. There’s also a blog post on Accommodating Employees with COVID-19-Related Symptoms and a tip sheet on Accommodation Strategies for Returning to Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In addition to centralizing its own tools and resources, JAN’s COVID-19 webpage offers easy access to resources from agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Developed for businesses of all sizes and in all industries, as well as individuals who may have questions related to their own workplace needs, JAN’s resources are just a click away. And as always, JAN’s expert consultants stand at the ready to provide free and confidential one-on-one assistance with individual accommodation circumstances, whether related to COVID-19 or not. To learn more, contact JAN.