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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)

EEOICP Program Statistics

In 2012, the DEEOIC deployed a new case management system for use by our claims staff. The new system is constructed differently than the previous system, and we determined that it was appropriate to re-examine our statistics and how they are displayed on the web site. For the past several months, we have been working on reconstructing the site and the statistics. Therefore, viewers may notice some differences in the web statistics.

The separate category for the non-covered applications has been removed and those counts are now included in the Final Decision counts. Although the number of posted denials appears to increase, there is not an increase in total numbers. Denials are being shown under a single category instead of being split into two separate counts.

In the past, on our state-by-state pages, medical bill payments were attributed to each state in which any claimant (including multiple survivors) on the case resided, resulting in an overstatement of the amount of medical bill payments in a given state. Medical bill payments are now being attributed to the state in which the employee resides. Although the National page total was not affected by this change, the current state medical totals will show a reduction from previously-reported amounts.

A list of definitions for the terms used on the EEOICP Program Statistics web pages is available here.

Data as of
Statistical data updated weekly on Mondays

Combined Part B and E Summary
Applications Filed 1,170 806 *
Total Compensation Paid - Payments 506 381
Combined Part B and E Dollar Amounts
Total Dollars $54,462,977
Total Medical Bills Paid - Total Dollars $10,358,826
Total Compensation + Medical Bills Paid $64,821,803

* The above numbers of applications filed represent 438 unique individual workers.

Part B
Applications Filed 625 398
Final Decisions - Approved 338 221
Final Decisions - Denied 233 164
Final Decisions - Total 571 385
Compensation Paid - Payments 322 220
Part B Compensation Paid
Compensation Paid - Total Dollars $32,957,143

Part E
Applications Filed 545 408
Final Decisions - Approved 237 200
Final Decisions - Denied 247 187
Final Decisions - Total 484 387
Compensation Paid - Payments 184 161
Part E Compensation Paid
Compensation Paid - Total Dollars $21,505,834

Part B Cancer Cases - NIOSH Statistics
Part B - Status and Location of NIOSH Referrals
Cases Referred to NIOSH for Dose Reconstruction (DR) 296
Cases Returned by NIOSH - With Dose Reconstruction (DR) 238
Cases Returned by NIOSH - Without Dose Reconstruction (DR) *1 54
Cases Returned by NIOSH - Total 292
Cases Currently at NIOSH 4
Part B - Cases with Dose Reconstruction (DR) and Final Decision
Final Decision to Accept and Probability of Causation (POC) 50% or Greater 52
Final Decision to Accept and Probability of Causation (POC) 50% or Greater - Cases Paid 52
Final Decision to Accept and Probability of Causation (POC) 50% or Greater - Individual Claims Paid 59
Final Decision to Accept and Probability of Causation (POC) 50% or Greater - Amount Paid $7,800,000
Final Decision to Deny and POC Less Than 50% 123
Final Decision - Total 175

*1 Most cases without a DR are cases withdrawn from NIOSH for DOL review and approval based on a new SEC designation. Other reasons for withdrawal include administrative closure, death of claimant.