Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Guinea-Bissau made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Interministerial Commission to Fight Child Labor distributed tablets to all law enforcement agencies for the purpose of collecting child labor and human trafficking data. The Commission also provided training to relevant technicians on the management of human trafficking cases, distributed food and clothes to shelters, and conducted awareness-raising campaigns on human trafficking and forced child labor throughout communities. In collaboration with the United Nations World Food Program, the government also increased educational access to over 170,000 students throughout 693 schools, ensuring school meals reached children across all regions in the country, and provided additional rations to school-aged girls and to children with disabilities. However, prohibitions against the commercial sexual exploitation of children do not meet international standards since the prostitution of children is not criminally prohibited. In addition, minimum age protections for work only apply to children with a formal employment contract, which does not comply with international standards that require all children to be protected. Finally, since basic education is free only through the sixth grade, children in grades seven through nine are left without access to free basic education.

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