ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 1 - 10 of 129Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Sakriya project (civil society action to end exploitative child labor) case management & basic helping skills training resource manual
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A manual for civil society organizations and municipalities for strengthening child protection mechanism by managing cases related to children in a uniformed, organized way. This manual may be used for conducting child protection related trainings, case management, psychosocial support, self-care, and material for self-study. |
World Education |
Annotated Bibliography - Efforts to Address Labor Rights in Priority Sectors Identified in The Colombian Labor Action Plan (2011-2021)
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This annotated bibliography aims to identify and summarize evidence of the outcomes of labor-focused programs or studies implemented in Colombia from 2011 to 2021, not funded through the United States Department of Labor (USDOL). These programs or studies focus on the five priority sectors identified in the Colombian Action Plan Related to Labor Rights (Labor Action Plan or LAP) to address serious labor concerns in the context of the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (CPTA).1 These priority sectors include (1) ports, (2) flowers, (3) mining, (4) sugar cane, and (5) palm oil. |
Pact |
I miss school
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A short film by a participant in the My-PEC program's photojournalism program. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
No me creo el cuento - Flyer from "No me creo el cuento" campaign
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Flyer from the campaign to raise awareness on forced labor in collaboration with NGO Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, “Peace and Hope”, and the Autonomous Workers’ Central of Peru |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
El Trabajo Forzoso - Infographic from "No me creo el cuento" campaign
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Infographic from the campaign to raise awareness on forced labor in collaboration with NGO Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, “Peace and Hope”, and the Autonomous Workers’ Central of Peru. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Flying free
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A short film by a participant in the My-PEC program's photojournalism program. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Comisión Para la Prevención Y Erradicación Del Trabajo Infantil - Jardín América
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Commission for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor - Jardín América: A tool where you can find information ordered by health, education, violence, care services, recreation, etc. It is designed to: Accompany families in problematic situations, promote recreational and educational spaces for children and locate institutions and their territorial references. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
El Trabajo Forzoso y la Trata de Personas Amenazan tu Libertad
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An awareness raising poster about how threats and violence can be used to force people to work against their will. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Pre-Situational Analysis Report - Reducing Incidence of Child labor and Harmful conditions of work in Economic Strengthening initiatives (RICHES)
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This Pre-Situational Analysis (PSA) report was conducted for the Reducing Incidence of Child labor and harmful conditions of work in Economic Strengthening initiatives (RICHES) project, funded in December 2017 by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking. The RICHES project aims to integrate the issues of child labor alleviation and acceptable conditions of work (ACW) into women’s economic empowerment (WEE) initiatives and make available a toolkit for policy makers, financial service providers, and others whose work supports women entrepreneurs. The objective of the PSA was to better understand the intersection of child labor, working conditions for women, and WEE initiatives at a global level, as well as in the pilot countries of El Salvador and the Philippines, to inform the development of the toolkit, which will be pilot tested in the two countries, but whose intent is to be globally applicable. The PSA report summarizes the results of that analysis. |
Grameen Foundation |
Análisis Presituacional Político Económico Aplicado (APPEA)
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Pre-situational and Applied Political Economy Analysis (PSAPEA): To develop a comprehensive understanding of the civil society landscape in the target municipalities, Pact conducted a desktop and field research exercise to: contextualize the issues of child labor and violations of workplace conditions in ASGM; identify and map local and regional civil society actors; understand the social, economic and political contexts within which these organizations operate; assess the incentive structure and current capacities of civil society actors; identify key stakeholders to consult, engage and/or keep informed during the project’s implementation |
Pact |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Sakriya project (civil society action to end exploitative child labor) case management & basic helping skills training resource manual
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A manual for civil society organizations and municipalities for strengthening child protection mechanism by managing cases related to children in a uniformed, organized way. This manual may be used for conducting child protection related trainings, case management, psychosocial support, self-care, and material for self-study. |
World Education |
Annotated Bibliography - Efforts to Address Labor Rights in Priority Sectors Identified in The Colombian Labor Action Plan (2011-2021)
Show Description
This annotated bibliography aims to identify and summarize evidence of the outcomes of labor-focused programs or studies implemented in Colombia from 2011 to 2021, not funded through the United States Department of Labor (USDOL). These programs or studies focus on the five priority sectors identified in the Colombian Action Plan Related to Labor Rights (Labor Action Plan or LAP) to address serious labor concerns in the context of the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (CPTA).1 These priority sectors include (1) ports, (2) flowers, (3) mining, (4) sugar cane, and (5) palm oil. |
Pact |
I miss school
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A short film by a participant in the My-PEC program's photojournalism program. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
No me creo el cuento - Flyer from "No me creo el cuento" campaign
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Flyer from the campaign to raise awareness on forced labor in collaboration with NGO Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, “Peace and Hope”, and the Autonomous Workers’ Central of Peru |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
El Trabajo Forzoso - Infographic from "No me creo el cuento" campaign
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Infographic from the campaign to raise awareness on forced labor in collaboration with NGO Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, “Peace and Hope”, and the Autonomous Workers’ Central of Peru. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Flying free
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A short film by a participant in the My-PEC program's photojournalism program. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Comisión Para la Prevención Y Erradicación Del Trabajo Infantil - Jardín América
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Commission for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor - Jardín América: A tool where you can find information ordered by health, education, violence, care services, recreation, etc. It is designed to: Accompany families in problematic situations, promote recreational and educational spaces for children and locate institutions and their territorial references. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
El Trabajo Forzoso y la Trata de Personas Amenazan tu Libertad
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An awareness raising poster about how threats and violence can be used to force people to work against their will. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Pre-Situational Analysis Report - Reducing Incidence of Child labor and Harmful conditions of work in Economic Strengthening initiatives (RICHES)
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This Pre-Situational Analysis (PSA) report was conducted for the Reducing Incidence of Child labor and harmful conditions of work in Economic Strengthening initiatives (RICHES) project, funded in December 2017 by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking. The RICHES project aims to integrate the issues of child labor alleviation and acceptable conditions of work (ACW) into women’s economic empowerment (WEE) initiatives and make available a toolkit for policy makers, financial service providers, and others whose work supports women entrepreneurs. The objective of the PSA was to better understand the intersection of child labor, working conditions for women, and WEE initiatives at a global level, as well as in the pilot countries of El Salvador and the Philippines, to inform the development of the toolkit, which will be pilot tested in the two countries, but whose intent is to be globally applicable. The PSA report summarizes the results of that analysis. |
Grameen Foundation |
Análisis Presituacional Político Económico Aplicado (APPEA)
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Pre-situational and Applied Political Economy Analysis (PSAPEA): To develop a comprehensive understanding of the civil society landscape in the target municipalities, Pact conducted a desktop and field research exercise to: contextualize the issues of child labor and violations of workplace conditions in ASGM; identify and map local and regional civil society actors; understand the social, economic and political contexts within which these organizations operate; assess the incentive structure and current capacities of civil society actors; identify key stakeholders to consult, engage and/or keep informed during the project’s implementation |
Pact |