ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 1 - 10 of 115Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Myanmar: Legal review of national laws and regulations related to child labour in light of international standards 2020 - Executive summary
Show Description
An executive summary of the results of a 2020 ILO study assessing the existing national laws and regulations in Myanmar on child labour in order to identify major issues and gaps and provide recommendations in light of relevant international standard. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Myanmar: Legal review of national laws and regulations related to child labour in light of international standards 2020
Show Description
A report presenting the results of a 2020 ILO study assessing the existing national laws and regulations in Myanmar on child labour in order to identify major issues and gaps and provide recommendations in light of relevant international standard. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
The gendered impact of forced labor and trafficking in persons on fishing vessels: a technical brief
Show Description
This technical brief describes how forced labor and trafficking in persons on fishing vessels affects women, including both women fishers and women who share a household with male fishers. These effects include a lack of mobility and employment opportunities, and financial harm including poverty and debt bondage. A key finding of this report is that harmful labor practices do not harm only the individual fisher, but the entire family unit. |
Plan International |
Effects of forced labor and trafficking in persons on female relatives of male fishers: final report
Show Description
This study assesses women's awareness and knowledge of forced labor and trafficking in persons, explores women's experiences in dealing with harmful labor practices, assesses gender norms and gender relationships in the fishing community, and identifies potential future roles for women and how women's agency can contribute to protect against harmful labor practices. The study also recommends raising awareness of these issues, enabling access to affordable loans and social protection programs, and promoting livelihood and skills development in women fisher communities. |
Plan International |
Child Labour in Africa
Show Description
Presentation of 2016-2017 data on child labor in Africa. Includes slides illustrating the links between child labor and poverty, GDP, social protection, youth employment outcomes, and other metrics. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
All together against child labor
Show Description
An illustrated booklet about child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Costeo De Políticas De Acompañamiento a La Población Juvenil Que No Asiste a La Escuela O Se Encuentra En Riesgo De Abandono Escolar
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Costing Policies to Support the Youth Population that Does Not Attend School or Is at Risk of Dropping Out of School - States, social organizations and unions have designed alternative offers and policies that accompany the life trajectories of out-of-school youth. This study intends to map these interventions and measure their economic costs, to generate evidence about the real investment that the States allocate to these policies. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
Los Adolescentes Que Trabajan Y El Régimen De Trabajo Adolescente Protegido En Argentina
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Teenagers Who Work and the Adolescent Work Regime Protected in Argentina - This document aims to: (a) analyze the regulatory and institutional framework in which Argentina promotes the protection of adolescent labor (b) characterize where working adolescents are and under what conditions they carry out their activities; (c) identify and describe the limits and strengths of the statistical sources that characterize the situation of adolescents who work in Argentina. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
A practical guide for journalists: Fighting child labour and promoting children’s rights in Myanmar’s media
Show Description
A guide for journalists new to covering child labor issues in Myanmar. The guide’s 30 topic sheets provide practical reporting tips and general background on ethics, child labour issues, and how journalists can best ensure the protection and promotion of children’s rights through quality media coverage. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
The role of trade unions in the fight against child labour (Burmese)
Show Description
Six (6) page booklet on the role that trade unions can and have played in fighting child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Myanmar: Legal review of national laws and regulations related to child labour in light of international standards 2020 - Executive summary
Show Description
An executive summary of the results of a 2020 ILO study assessing the existing national laws and regulations in Myanmar on child labour in order to identify major issues and gaps and provide recommendations in light of relevant international standard. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Myanmar: Legal review of national laws and regulations related to child labour in light of international standards 2020
Show Description
A report presenting the results of a 2020 ILO study assessing the existing national laws and regulations in Myanmar on child labour in order to identify major issues and gaps and provide recommendations in light of relevant international standard. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
The gendered impact of forced labor and trafficking in persons on fishing vessels: a technical brief
Show Description
This technical brief describes how forced labor and trafficking in persons on fishing vessels affects women, including both women fishers and women who share a household with male fishers. These effects include a lack of mobility and employment opportunities, and financial harm including poverty and debt bondage. A key finding of this report is that harmful labor practices do not harm only the individual fisher, but the entire family unit. |
Plan International |
Effects of forced labor and trafficking in persons on female relatives of male fishers: final report
Show Description
This study assesses women's awareness and knowledge of forced labor and trafficking in persons, explores women's experiences in dealing with harmful labor practices, assesses gender norms and gender relationships in the fishing community, and identifies potential future roles for women and how women's agency can contribute to protect against harmful labor practices. The study also recommends raising awareness of these issues, enabling access to affordable loans and social protection programs, and promoting livelihood and skills development in women fisher communities. |
Plan International |
Child Labour in Africa
Show Description
Presentation of 2016-2017 data on child labor in Africa. Includes slides illustrating the links between child labor and poverty, GDP, social protection, youth employment outcomes, and other metrics. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
All together against child labor
Show Description
An illustrated booklet about child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Costeo De Políticas De Acompañamiento a La Población Juvenil Que No Asiste a La Escuela O Se Encuentra En Riesgo De Abandono Escolar
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Costing Policies to Support the Youth Population that Does Not Attend School or Is at Risk of Dropping Out of School - States, social organizations and unions have designed alternative offers and policies that accompany the life trajectories of out-of-school youth. This study intends to map these interventions and measure their economic costs, to generate evidence about the real investment that the States allocate to these policies. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
Los Adolescentes Que Trabajan Y El Régimen De Trabajo Adolescente Protegido En Argentina
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Teenagers Who Work and the Adolescent Work Regime Protected in Argentina - This document aims to: (a) analyze the regulatory and institutional framework in which Argentina promotes the protection of adolescent labor (b) characterize where working adolescents are and under what conditions they carry out their activities; (c) identify and describe the limits and strengths of the statistical sources that characterize the situation of adolescents who work in Argentina. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
A practical guide for journalists: Fighting child labour and promoting children’s rights in Myanmar’s media
Show Description
A guide for journalists new to covering child labor issues in Myanmar. The guide’s 30 topic sheets provide practical reporting tips and general background on ethics, child labour issues, and how journalists can best ensure the protection and promotion of children’s rights through quality media coverage. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
The role of trade unions in the fight against child labour (Burmese)
Show Description
Six (6) page booklet on the role that trade unions can and have played in fighting child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |