This information is designed to assist you in making a request for records controlled by the Administrative Review Board.

Ley de Libertad de Información

Request Format

There is no specific FOIA request form or format. Simply submit your either handwritten or typed request to the FOIA Coordinator for the Adjudicatory Boards. Ensure that you state in your correspondence that you are making a FOIA request. Also include in your request:

  • Your name, address, and daytime telephone number.
  • As much detail as you can provide on what you want (e.g., case number, party names, date of transcript, etc.) so the Board can locate the requested material and determine if you are responsible for any search or copy fees pursuant to Department of Labor FOIA regulations.
  • The maximum amount of fees that you are willing to pay. You will be contacted first if assessed fees are higher than what you agreed to pay.

For more information on the requirements and rules for FOIA requests, see 29 C.F.R. Part 70.


Where to Send Your Request

Mail FOIA requests to:

Office of the Solicitor
Division of Management and Administrative Legal Services
200 Constitution Ave NW
Room N-2420
Washington, DC 20210

E-mail requests to: (Please note that requests submitted to any other e-mail address will not be accepted).

Fax requests to: 202-693-5389, attn: FOIA Staff


How to Submit Follow-up Material or Obtain Status of Request

You can send follow-up correspondence to include inquiry into the status of your request by mail or fax using the above contact information. Or you can send an e-mail to

For more information regarding the FOIA and FOIA request procedures visit the Department of Labor (DOL) Freedom of Information Act Webpage.