< Schedule 13


Schedules 14 through 19 provide detailed information on the financial operations of the labor organization in categories that reflect the services provided to union members. Receipts and disbursements are allocated to Schedules 14 through 19 and are either listed as individual entries or as aggregated entries. Note that before completing the Detailed Summary Page for Schedules 14 through 19, you must complete the itemization pages as described below.

Allocating Receipts
Each receipt of the labor organization must be allocated to one of the receipt items in Statement B. Some of these items have backup schedules that require more detailed information. If a receipt does not conform to one of the defined items in Statement B it must be included in Schedule 14 (Other Receipts) in which any "major" receipts during the reporting period must be separately identified. A "major" receipt includes: 1) any individual receipt of $5,000 or more; or 2) total receipts from any single entity or individual that aggregate to $5,000 or more during the reporting period. All other receipts in this schedule are aggregated. This process is discussed further below.

Allocating Disbursements
Each disbursement of the labor organization must be allocated to one of the disbursement items in Statement B. Some of these items have backup schedules that require more detailed information. Schedules 15 through 19 reflect various services provided to union members by the union in which all "major" disbursements during the reporting period in the various categories must be separately identified. A "major" disbursement includes: 1) any individual disbursement of $5,000 or more; or 2) total disbursements to any single entity or individual that aggregate to $5,000 or more during the reporting period. All other disbursements in these schedules are aggregated.

All disbursements, other than those reported elsewhere in Statement B, must be allocated to Schedules 15 through 19, as appropriate.

Example 1: If the labor organization received a settlement of $4,999 in a small claims lawsuit, the receipt would not be individually identified, as long as the settlement was the only receipt from the entity or individual during the reporting period. The receipt would be aggregated with other small receipts in Line 3 of Schedule 14 (Other Receipts) on the Detailed Summary Page as discussed below.

Example 2: If the labor organization made three payments of $1,800 each to an office supplies vendor for office supplies used by employees engaged in contract negotiations during the reporting period, a single disbursement to the vendor of $5,400 would be listed in Line 1 on an itemization page for that vendor for Schedule 15 (Representational Activities) as discussed below.

Example 3: If a union pays a total of $5,500 to a printing company during the reporting year and determines that $5,050 should be allocated to organizing costs, that amount must be identified in an itemization page for the printing company for Schedule 15 (Representational Activities). If the remaining $450 paid to the same printer over the course of the year was attributable to charitable expenses, that amount will be reported in Line 5 of Schedule 17 (Contributions, Gifts, and Grants) on the Detailed Summary Page but the printer need not be identified as a recipient of any funds expended for Contributions, Gifts, and Grants, since the total paid to the printer during the reporting year for services related to Contributions, Gifts, and Grants did not exceed $5,000.

Example 4: The labor organization has an ongoing contract with a law firm that provides a wide range of legal services. The labor organization makes a single payment of $10,000 each month to the law firm. In a particular month the law firm spent 50% of its time on contract negotiation litigation and 50% advising the labor organization regarding, and working for the enactment of, a new Federal law. The labor organization must allocate the payment for that month as two distinct disbursements of $5,000 each to Schedule 15 (Representational Activities), and Schedule 16 (Political Activities and Lobbying).

Procedures for Completing Schedules 14 Through 19

Before completing the Detailed Summary Page for Schedules 14 through 19, complete an itemization page for each payer/payee for whom there is (1) an individual receipt/disbursement of $5,000 or more or (2) total receipts/disbursements that aggregate to $5,000 or more during the reporting period. Do not complete an itemization page for disbursements to officers or employees because these disbursements are reported in Lines 3 and 4 of the Detailed Summary Page.

Enter in Column (A) the full name and business address of the entity or individual from which the receipt was received or to which the disbursement was made. Do not abbreviate the name of the entity or individual. If you do not know and cannot reasonably attain the full address, the city and state are sufficient.

Enter in Column (B) the type of business or job classification of the entity or individual, such as printing company, office supplies vendor, lobbyist, think tank, marketing firm, legal counsel, etc.

If additional lines are needed to complete Columns (C) through (E) of the itemization page, click the “More Receipts For This Payer” for Schedule 14 or the “More Disbursements for This Payee” for Schedules 15 through 19 button in Column (A) of the itemization page. The software will add lines to the itemization page in increments of ten.

Enter in Column (C) the purpose of each individual receipt/disbursement for that payee/payer of $5,000 or more, which means a brief statement or description of the reason the receipt/disbursement was made. Examples of adequate descriptions include the following: preparing organizing campaign pamphlets, staffing a help desk, opposition research, litigation regarding representation issues, litigation regarding a refusal to bargain charge, grievance arbitration, get-out-the-vote, voter education, advocating or opposing legislation, job retraining, etc.

Enter in Column (D) the date that the receipt/disbursement was made. The format for the date must be mm/dd/yyyy. The date of receipt/disbursement for reporting purposes is the date the labor organization actually received or disbursed the money.

Enter in Column (E) the amount of the receipt/disbursement.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the itemization page and the software will enter total of all itemized transactions for this payee/payer on the “Total of All Itemized Transaction with this Payee/Payer” line.

Enter the total of all non-itemized transactions for the payee/payer (that is, all individual transactions of less than $5,000 each) on the “Total of All Non-Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line.

Click the "Save and Calculate” button at the top of the itemization page again and the software will enter the total of all transactions for this payee/payer, both itemized and non-itemized, on the “Total of All Transactions with this Payee/Payer for this Schedule” line.

Special Instructions for Reporting Credit Card Disbursements
Disbursements to credit card companies may not be reported as a single disbursement to the credit card company as the vendor. Instead, charges appearing on credit card bills paid during the reporting period must be allocated to the recipient of the payment by the credit card company according to the same process as described above.

The Department recognizes that filers will not always have the same access to information regarding credit card payments as with other transactions. Filers should report all of the information required in the itemization schedules that is available to the union.

For instance, in the case of a credit card transaction for which the receipt(s) and monthly statement(s) do not provide the full legal name of a payee and the union does not have access to any other documents that would contain the information, the union should report the name as it appears on the receipt(s) and statement(s). Similarly, if the receipt(s) and statement(s) do not include a full street address, the union should report as much information as is available and no less than the city and state.

Once these transactions have been incorporated into the union’s recordkeeping system they can be treated like any other transaction for purposes of assigning a description and purpose.

In instances when a credit card transaction is canceled and the charge is refunded in whole or part by entry of a credit on the credit card statement, the charge should be treated as a disbursement, and the credit should be treated as a receipt. In reporting a credit of $5,000 or more as a receipt, Column (C) must indicate that the receipt was in refund of a disbursement, and must identify the disbursement by date and amount.

Special Procedures for Reporting Confidential Information

Filers may use the procedure described below to report the following types of information:

  • Information that would identify individuals paid by the union to work in a non-union bargaining unit in order to assist the union in organizing employees, provided that such individuals are not employees of the union who receive more than $10,000 in the aggregate in the reporting year from the union. Employees receiving more than $10,000 must be reported on Schedule 12 – Disbursements to Employees;
  • Information that would expose the reporting union’s prospective organizing strategy. The union must be prepared to demonstrate that disclosure of the information would harm an organizing drive. Absent unusual circumstances, information about past organizing drives should not be treated as confidential;
  • Information that would provide a tactical advantage to parties with whom the reporting union or an affiliated union is engaged or will be engaged in contract negotiations. The union must be prepared to demonstrate that disclosure of the information would harm a contract negotiation. Absent unusual circumstances information about past contract negotiations should not be treated as confidential;
  • Information pursuant to a settlement that is subject to a confidentiality agreement, or that the union is otherwise prohibited by law from disclosing; and,
  • Information in those situations where disclosure would endanger the health or safety of an individual.

With respect to these specific types of information, if the reporting union can demonstrate that itemized disclosure of a specific major receipt or disbursement, or aggregated receipt or disbursement would be adverse to the union’s legitimate interests, the union may include the receipt or disbursement in Line 3 of Summary Schedule 14 (Other Receipts) or in Line 5 of Summary Schedules 15 (Representational Activities) or 19 (Union Administration). In Item 69 (Additional Information) the union must identify each schedule from which any itemized receipts or disbursements were excluded because of an asserted legitimate interest in confidentiality based on one of the first three reasons listed above. No notation need be made for exclusion of information disclosure of which is prohibited by law or that would endanger the health or safety of an individual. The notation must describe the general types of information that were omitted from the schedule, but the name of the payer/payee, date, and amount of the transaction(s) is not required. This procedure may not be used for Schedules 16 through 18.

A union member, however, has the statutory right “to examine any books, records, and accounts necessary to verify” the union’s financial report if the member can establish “just cause” for access to the information. 29 U.S.C. 431(c); 29 U.S.C. CFR 403.8 (2002). Any exclusion of itemized receipts or disbursements from Schedules 14, 15, or 19 for one of the first three reasons listed above would constitute a per se demonstration of “just cause” for purposes of this Act. Consequently, any union member (and the Department), upon request, has the right to review the undisclosed information that otherwise would have appeared in the applicable schedule if the union withholds the information in order to protect confidentiality interests. Exclusion of information disclosure of which is prohibited by law or that would endanger the health or safety of an individual creates no per se demonstration of “just cause.”

Procedures for Completing the Detailed Summary Page

The Detailed Summary Page is used to summarize Schedules 14 through 19.

For Summary Schedule 14 (Other Receipts) the software enters on Line 1 the total of all itemized receipts during the reporting period from named payers. This is the sum of the amounts entered on the “Total of All Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line on all itemization pages for Schedule 14.

The software enters on Line 2 the total of all non-itemized receipts from named payers. This is the sum of the amounts entered on the “Total of All Non-Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line in all itemization pages for Schedule 14.

Enter on Line 3 the total of all other receipts during the reporting period relating to the schedule. This is the total from your organization’s books of all receipts during the reporting period relating to this schedule for payers who did not have a single receipt of $5,000 or more or receipts that aggregated $5,000 or more.

The software enters on Line 4 the total of Lines 1 through 3 and forwards this total to Item 48 of Statement B.

For Summary Schedules 15 –19, the software enters on Line 1 of each summary schedule the total of all itemized disbursements during the reporting period to named vendors. This is the sum of the amounts entered on the ”Total of All Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line in all itemization pages for the schedule.

The software enters on Line 2 of each summary schedule the total of all non-itemized disbursements to named vendors. This is the sum of the amounts entered on the “Total of All Non-Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line in all itemization pages for the schedule.

The software enters on Line 3 the total of all disbursements to officers allocated to the schedule. This is the sum of the amounts that correspond to the percentages entered on Line (I) of Schedule 11.

The software enters in Line 4 the total of all disbursements to employees allocated to the schedule. This is the sum of the amounts that correspond to the percentages entered on Line (I) of Schedule 12.

Enter on Line 5 the total of all other disbursements during the reporting period relating to the schedule. This is the total from your organization’s books of all disbursements during the reporting period relating to this schedule for payees who did not have a single disbursement of $5,000 or more or disbursements that aggregated $5,000 or more.

The software enters on Line 6 the total of Lines 1 through 5 and forwards this total to the appropriate line item of Statement B.

For example, if in Schedule 15 (Representational Activities) a labor organization has $200,000 in itemized disbursements of $5,000 or more to vendors, $35,000 in non-itemized disbursements of less than $5,000 each to those vendors, $100,000 in salary disbursements to officers, $50,000 in salary disbursements to employees, and $7,000 in disbursements to vendors who did not receive a major disbursement for representational activities, then the software will enter $200,000 in Line 1, $35,000 in Line 2, $100,000 in Line 3, $50,000 in Line 4, and the filer will enter $7,000 in Line 5 of Schedule 15 on the Detailed Summary Page. The total of Lines 1 through 5 is $392,000, which the software will enter in Line 6 of the summary schedule and Item 50 (Representational Activities) of Statement B.

Last Updated: 6-13-12