The Solicitor of Labor is Seema Nanda. The Solicitor of Labor oversees the Deputy Solicitor for Regional Enforcement and the Deputy Solicitor for National Operations. The Acting Deputy Solicitor of Labor is Laura Huizar.
As Deputy Solicitor for Regional Enforcement, Mr. Keen oversees the Regional Offices of Atlanta, Nashville, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas City, Dallas, New York, Philadelphia, Arlington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle.
As Deputy Solicitor of National Operations, Ms. Su oversees the National Offices of Black Lung and Longshore Legal Services, Civil Rights & Labor-Management, Employment & Training Legal Services, Fair Labor Standards, Federal Employees’ and Energy Worker’s Compensation, Management & Administrative Legal Services, Mine Safety & Health, Occupational Safety & Health, Office of Legal Counsel, and Plan Benefits Security.
Effective January 11, 2025.
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