How do median annual earnings for workers with disabilities vary by state?

Annual earnings are one source of income, typically from wage and salary work. Earnings typically do not include other income sources, such as Social Security payments, pensions, child support, public assistance, annuities, money derived from rental properties, interest and dividends. Higher earnings typically indicate higher economic well-being. This statistic is one of many indicators of the workforce participation among disabled people. The ratio of male-to-female earnings indicates what a disabled female worker earns compared to the amount a male employee with a disability in the same position would receive.  

The following interactive map visualizes how median earnings vary by state and sex, among all currently working adults with disabilities in the period from 2016 to 2020.

Median Annual Earnings by State and Sex (2016 to 2020 Period Estimate)

Universe: Disabled, Civilian, Noninstitutionalized Workers, Ages 16+


Key Insights:

  • In the period from 2016 to 2020, workers with disabilities have the highest median wages in Washington, Nevada, North Dakota, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia (above $27,000 annual wages).
  • In all U.S. states, females with disabilities have lower median wages than men with disabilities. In North Dakota, disabled females earn 57% of what disabled men do (the largest disability wage gap by sex). In Delaware, females with disabilities earn 89% of what men with disabilities do (the smallest disability wage gap by sex).

For more Office of Disability Employment Policy data, visit

Last Updated: December 22, 2022