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Workplace Mental Health – We All Have a Role to Play

Today, one in five working age Americans has a mental health condition. And as our nation rebuilds and rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic, employers in businesses of all sizes recognize that mental health-friendly workplaces are more critical than ever and that the workplace can be an essential source of support.

To help shine a light on this timely and important issue, the ODEP-funded Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE) has launched a new public education campaign called “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?”

Built around a powerful television and radio public service announcement (PSA) that will air nationwide, the campaign illustrates the roles we all can play in promoting a mental health-friendly workplace. The PSA features the faces and voices of four individuals—a CEO, manager, co-worker and person who identifies as having a mental health condition—each sharing what they can do to promote workplace wellbeing, from setting the tone for an inclusive workplace to providing and requesting assistance and accommodations, to being a source of support to peers and colleagues.

Employers and others can download the PSA from the web and a set of “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” companion materials. These include posters, behind-the-scenes video interviews with PSA cast members, mental health resources and a Workplace Guide featuring tips for building flexible, supportive workplaces that promote good mental health.

To learn more and to view other CDE PSA campaigns, visit