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The Working Works PSA:
Communicating the Value of Work

It is a challenge that can face a business of any size—a valued employee steps down due to injury or illness. Every year, millions of working-age Americans acquire disabilities or chronic health conditions, and when these events occur, they are often faced with difficult choices about staying in the workforce. However, when these employees work collaboratively with their employers and health-care teams on effective stay-at-work and return-to-work (SAW/RTW) strategies, everyone can benefit.

These are the topics explored in "Working Works," the latest public service announcement (PSA) produced by the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE). The cast members featured in the PSA show us that work is crucial to not just their livelihood but also their identity. They include baseball legend Cal Ripken Jr. and three other individuals who worked with their employers and medical professionals to either keep working or return to work once ready. Their stories emphasize the importance of partnerships and making a return-to-work plan.

The "Working Works" PSA will be coming to a television near you in coming months. In the meantime, businesses small and large can use the PSA as a tool to spark important conversations about SAW/RTW practices. Consider sharing the video with your supervisors and human resources professionals, screening it for employees, and displaying "Working Works" posters, which you can download or order on the CDE website.

While on the site, be sure to also subscribe to CDE updates and learn how to leverage the campaign's wide array of educational resources—tools that can help you communicate the important message that "working works" for individuals and their employers.

For additional news and resources, sign up for ODEP's email updates.