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ILAB Around the World



Title Release Year

Ugandan Labor Migrants to the Middle East: Labor Conditions - Final Report

This study describes the work conditions and living experiences of Ugandan overseas labor migrants in the Middle East. It draws from a survey sample of 843 migrants recruited using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) and cognitive interviews with a subset of the sample. The report provides an estimate of the rate of forced labor among this population.


Ugandan Labor Migrants to the Middle East: Methodology Study - Final Report

This study provides insights into how the wording and order of forced labor questions affect survey findings. The report provides recommendations regarding the measurement of forced labor through surveys.


List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor


OCFT Cocoa/Fishing Synthesis Report


Progress in Implementing Chapter 16 (Labor) and Capacity-Building under the Dominican Republic – Central America – United States Free Trade Agreement – Fourth Report


ILAB Synthesis Review


United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Labor Rights Report


Work-Related Violence Research Project: Overview and Survey Module and Focus Group Findings (Central America)

The objective of this Final End of Project Report is to summarize the development and field testing of a new module on survey questions and focus group protocols on the topic of workrelated violence (WRV), for use in Central America. This document is submitted in fulfillment of the final requirement ("Submittal 3") of the Purchase Order DOL-OPS-15-P-00239, which is cofunded by USDOL ILAB and CEO. 


List of Products Produced by Forced or Indentured Child Labor


Independent Impact Evaluation for the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia Project

This report describes in detail the final impact evaluation of the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia project. IMPAQ International, LLC, conducted an independent evaluation in collaboration with the project team and stakeholders and prepared the evaluation report according to the terms specified in its contract with the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs and the DOL Chief Evaluation Office. IMPAQ would like to express sincere thanks to all the parties involved for their support and valuable contributions.