Y-12 Plant Locations involving Uranium Enrichment Operations
Associated Operations Buildings Involved Accepted Operation Dates

Calutron [Electromagnetic] Uranium Enrichment

9731 (Pilot Plant)

Alpha buildings


Beta Buildings



Feed Preparation and Product Processing

[Chemical processing of uranium into chemical forms to be fed into calutrons]

9202, 9203, 9206, 9212

9733-3,4 - [Chemical control analysis]


Uranium Recovery and Recycling

[Mechanical (physical) and chemical processes used to recover and recycle uranium, such as scraping or vacuuming uranium off the inside walls of the calutron]

9202, 9203, 9206, 9212

[9206 was the main U recovery and recycle facility residual U found on equipment, scrap metal and on solid surface. 9206 housed sanding, grinding, chemistry, and incinerator operations]

1945-1947 (only)

(entire period is 1945-1951 and


Uranium Salvage Operations

[Involved recovery of uranium from materials not considered production equipment, such as liquid and solid waste materials from maintenance/cleanup activities. May include mechanical scraping and brushing, nitric acid washing, and distillations and recovery of uranium compounds from incidental items]

9206, 9207, 9211

1945-1947 (only)

(entire period is 1945-1951)