Washington Performance Results for PY 2022


This report is the ETA and RSA assessment of PY 2022 WIOA performance results for Washington. Performance is assessed using state negotiated levels of performance, actual levels of performance, actual participant characteristics and economic conditions within a state, and estimates of the statistical adjustment models for PY 2022. Once ETA received PY 2022 participant data, model estimates were used to adjust the PY 2022 negotiated levels of performance. The adjusted levels of performance were then compared against the actual levels of performance of states to get the individual indicator scores and overall indicator and program scores.

Some things to note about this performance assessment:

  • The Departments of Labor and Education issued a notice indicating which primary indicators of performance will be assessed for PY 2022. The notice was published as Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 04-23, Program Memorandum 23-3, and FAQ 23-01 for each agency.
  • For PY 2022, the performance indicators being formally assessed are:
    • For the WIOA title I and IV Programs (WIOA Adult, WIOA Dislocated Worker, WIOA Youth, Vocational Rehabilitation):
      • Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit
      • Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit
      • Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit
      • Credential Attainment Rate
    • For the WIOA title III program (Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service):
      • Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit
      • Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit
      • Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit
      • Overall Program Score


The figures here give an overview of the performance results for Washington in PY 2022 using the model estimates to get performance scores as discussed in About. The data table shows the summary data related to these figures.

State Performance Scores

The figures below show the performance scores for Washington. The color of the state map indicates the performance result for Washington (i.e., green for performance success and purple for performance failure). The boxes on the right show the overall state indicator scores and overall state program scores. There is a performance failure if any overall score is below 90%.

Figure showing the map of Washington with a color indicating that the state's overall result was a Performance Failure. The figure also includes a colored box visually representing the results from the Data Tables for each Overall Program Score and Overall Indicator Score that was assessed in the Program Year

The figure below shows the individual indicator scores for each program. The scores are calculated by dividing the actual level of performance by the adjusted level of performance (the values used in the calculation are shown in the box). A failure occurs if an individual indicator score is below 50%.

Figure showing grid 5 boxes wide and 5 boxes tall, representing the results of Washington for each Individual Indicator Score and Overall Program Score assessed for this Program Year that are found in the Data Table. Each box is colored green for Performance Success or Purple for Performance Failure, and each box also displays the associated score with the Actual Level and Adjusted Level values used to calculate it.

State Comparison

The figures below show how Washington compared to all other states in PY 2022. Distributions of actual levels of performance for each indicator for all states are on the left and distributions of individual indicator scores for all states are on the right. The flag represents Washington’s ranking for each distribution.

Figure using a ridgeplot visual to show the distriubtions of all states with respect to the Actual Level of Performance and Individual Indicator Scores for each of the indicators assessed in this PY. The visual shows a flag indicating Washington's Rank for each distribution. These ranks can be downloaded using the button below the visual labeled 'Download Table of My State Ranks

Data Table

Washington Performance Data
Program Indicator Negotiated Level Adjusted Level Actual Level Score
Adult Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 63.6% 63.9% 63.8% 99.9%
Adult Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $8,070 $9,559 $10,008 104.6%
Adult Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 65.0% 66.8% 63.8% 95.4%
Adult Credential Attainment Rate 66.0% 74.1% 73.1% 98.6%
Dislocated Worker Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 66.6% 69.8% 64.7% 92.6%
Dislocated Worker Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $9,678 $13,337 $10,752 80.6%
Dislocated Worker Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 67.6% 67.3% 64.5% 95.9%
Dislocated Worker Credential Attainment Rate 75.3% 86.6% 70.1% 80.9%
Youth Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 60.0% 61.9% 59.1% 95.4%
Youth Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $3,663 $5,220 $4,703 90%
Youth Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 59.0% 59.9% 59.8% 99.9%
Youth Credential Attainment Rate 63.7% 52.0% 42.9% 82.4%
Wagner-Peyser Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 62.9% 59.8% 63.6% 106.3%
Wagner-Peyser Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $7,550 $9,881 $9,458 95.7%
Wagner-Peyser Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 61.6% 64.0% 62.7% 98%
Wagner-Peyser Overall Program Score 100%
Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 44.0% 48.2% 45.3% 93.8%
Vocational Rehabilitation Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $4,350 $5,067 $3,915 77.2%
Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 36.0% 35.7% 34.4% 96.3%
Vocational Rehabilitation Credential Attainment Rate 25.0% 30.7% 14.5% 47.1%


This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2022 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Adult program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


The figures below show details for the two performance indicators being assessed in PY 2022 in the Adult program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2022 prior to the start of PY 2022.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2022 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2022, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Figure shows a bar chart for each indicator with three bars in each chart showing the Negotiated, Adjusted, and Actual Levels for each indicator. The charts also have a label for the Indicator score and a label for the Adjustment Factor that demonstrates it is equal to the difference between the Negotiated and Adjusted Level. The values listed are those in the Overview Data Table for this program

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related data points. These data points are used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions are as follows:

  • Estimate0 - the pre-PY prediction for PY 2022. It is calculated using the model estimates and pre-PY values for the model variables.
  • Estimate1 - the post-PY prediction for PY 2022. It is calculated using the model estimates and actual-PY values for the model variables.
  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2022.
  • Variable Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Variable Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2022 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Variable Estimate0 from Variable Estimate1.

The Adjustment Factor and variable-specific adjustments are color coded to indicate upward adjustments (green) and downward adjustments (red). This color scheme does not indicate performance success or failure.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
63.06% 63.32% 0.26%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0726 0.4807 0.4863 -3.49% -3.53% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.0926 0.4682 0.5010 -4.33% -4.64% -0.30%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.0333 0.2273 0.1995 -0.76% -0.66% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.1380 0.1026 0.0906 -1.42% -1.25% 0.17%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.6199 0.1264 0.1343 -7.83% -8.32% -0.49%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.1898 0.0787 0.0982 1.49% 1.86% 0.37%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0325 0.0632 0.0752 -0.20% -0.24% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.6179 0.0211 0.0231 -1.30% -1.43% -0.12%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian 0.0095 0.0303 0.0314 0.03% 0.03% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -0.1310 0.0351 0.0383 -0.46% -0.50% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0619 0.0690 0.0805 -0.43% -0.50% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0990 0.2946 0.3077 2.92% 3.05% 0.13%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.0161 0.2194 0.2142 -0.35% -0.34% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.2591 0.0379 0.0336 -0.98% -0.87% 0.11%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.2706 0.1123 0.1173 3.04% 3.17% 0.13%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.1158 0.1844 0.1950 2.14% 2.26% 0.12%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 0.0462 0.0738 0.0700 0.34% 0.32% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.1152 0.1124 0.1198 1.29% 1.38% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0956 0.0543 0.0592 0.52% 0.57% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.2470 0.0870 0.0997 -2.15% -2.46% -0.31%
Participant Characteristic Veteran -0.3378 0.0720 0.0558 -2.43% -1.89% 0.55%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.1398 0.0699 0.0640 -0.98% -0.89% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.1122 0.0419 0.0471 0.47% 0.53% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.0218 0.2461 0.2211 -0.54% -0.48% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Homeless 0.0677 0.0542 0.0416 0.37% 0.28% -0.09%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0255 0.0911 0.0897 -0.23% -0.23% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.1453 0.0087 0.0052 -0.13% -0.08% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.1927 0.7961 0.7322 15.34% 14.11% -1.23%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0148 0.0042 0.0199 -0.01% -0.03% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant -0.0022 0.0001 0.1399 0.00% -0.03% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee 0.1713 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -0.0029 0.0333 0.0057 -0.01% 0.00% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -0.1578 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.2410 0.0516 0.0398 -1.24% -0.96% 0.29%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.0614 0.8142 0.8220 5.00% 5.05% 0.05%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -1.0514 0.0312 0.0285 -3.28% -3.00% 0.28%
Economic Condition Construction Employment -0.3665 0.0601 0.0626 -2.20% -2.30% -0.09%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -0.2561 0.0886 0.0797 -2.27% -2.04% 0.23%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -2.3773 0.0450 0.0494 -10.70% -11.74% -1.04%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -6.1614 0.0453 0.0452 -27.90% -27.84% 0.06%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -0.2765 0.1276 0.1506 -3.53% -4.16% -0.64%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -0.3798 0.2268 0.2208 -8.62% -8.38% 0.23%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -0.4177 0.0977 0.0973 -4.08% -4.06% 0.02%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 4.4367 0.0290 0.0282 12.85% 12.52% -0.33%
Economic Condition Public Administration -1.3221 0.0506 0.0496 -6.69% -6.56% 0.13%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.8191 0.0644 0.0424 -5.28% -3.47% 1.80%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$7,936.90 $9,425.84 $1,488.93
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -1365.0910 0.4849 0.4835 -$661.89 -$660.02 $1.88
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -1605.2668 0.4807 0.5151 -$771.58 -$826.89 -$55.31
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -2762.7276 0.2339 0.2007 -$646.11 -$554.50 $91.60
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -892.5520 0.1020 0.0894 -$91.08 -$79.81 $11.28
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -5027.8889 0.0967 0.1152 -$486.14 -$579.29 -$93.14
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 772.9587 0.0779 0.1022 $60.18 $78.99 $18.81
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -2107.2242 0.0627 0.0711 -$132.08 -$149.77 -$17.70
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 3926.3270 0.0223 0.0240 $87.67 $94.35 $6.68
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -2224.2659 0.0310 0.0324 -$69.05 -$72.01 -$2.96
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 3229.6131 0.0354 0.0387 $114.18 $124.99 $10.81
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 1168.5465 0.0759 0.0863 $88.69 $100.79 $12.10
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 120.6808 0.3007 0.3117 $36.28 $37.62 $1.34
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -789.7556 0.2112 0.2111 -$166.83 -$166.70 $0.13
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -749.2869 0.0376 0.0301 -$28.18 -$22.55 $5.62
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 1974.6596 0.1109 0.1210 $218.91 $239.00 $20.08
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 5901.7320 0.1918 0.1984 $1,131.68 $1,171.09 $39.41
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 3665.5708 0.0759 0.0674 $278.21 $247.09 -$31.12
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 950.0037 0.1389 0.1399 $131.93 $132.88 $0.96
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 2553.7029 0.0565 0.0610 $144.30 $155.67 $11.37
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -3185.1882 0.0734 0.0917 -$233.64 -$292.05 -$58.41
Participant Characteristic Veteran 1688.8016 0.0670 0.0492 $113.13 $83.08 -$30.04
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -3367.8671 0.0688 0.0625 -$231.87 -$210.41 $21.46
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 2489.6392 0.0428 0.0520 $106.55 $129.41 $22.86
Participant Characteristic Low Income -115.3327 0.2370 0.2044 -$27.33 -$23.57 $3.76
Participant Characteristic Homeless -1797.4183 0.0467 0.0330 -$83.97 -$59.33 $24.63
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 1197.4299 0.0838 0.0828 $100.38 $99.19 -$1.19
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -5496.4973 0.0076 0.0030 -$41.99 -$16.68 $25.30
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 482.3442 0.8439 0.8011 $407.05 $386.39 -$20.66
Participant Characteristic Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.1562 10216.8000 10787.5650 $1,596.14 $1,685.31 $89.17
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 550.9109 0.0047 0.0200 $2.59 $11.01 $8.42
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 635.2411 0.0001 0.1983 $0.06 $125.97 $125.91
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -3974.2202 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 152.6789 0.0355 0.0046 $5.43 $0.70 -$4.73
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 3124.2560 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -5736.5286 0.0450 0.0309 -$257.87 -$177.02 $80.84
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 2028.3445 0.8050 0.8161 $1,632.85 $1,655.36 $22.51
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 16625.3278 0.0312 0.0285 $518.39 $473.71 -$44.67
Economic Condition Construction Employment 41341.2446 0.0601 0.0626 $2,485.43 $2,588.53 $103.10
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -54353.6885 0.0886 0.0797 -$4,817.04 -$4,331.98 $485.06
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -86262.6675 0.0450 0.0494 -$3,881.10 -$4,258.46 -$377.36
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 3827.6379 0.0453 0.0452 $173.34 $172.96 -$0.39
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 11874.9590 0.1276 0.1506 $1,515.18 $1,787.92 $272.74
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -30762.1388 0.2268 0.2208 -$6,978.22 -$6,790.92 $187.30
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -38927.1431 0.0977 0.0973 -$3,803.40 -$3,786.84 $16.55
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -126370.3937 0.0290 0.0282 -$3,660.18 -$3,567.32 $92.85
Economic Condition Public Administration 13389.3115 0.0506 0.0496 $677.97 $664.40 -$13.58
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -19317.7473 0.0644 0.0424 -$1,244.92 -$819.26 $425.66

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
63.03% 64.79% 1.76%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0184 0.4696 0.4957 0.87% 0.91% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.1632 0.4642 0.4983 -7.57% -8.13% -0.56%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.2193 0.2303 0.1926 -5.05% -4.22% 0.83%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.4421 0.1063 0.0867 -4.70% -3.83% 0.86%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.6646 0.1261 0.1342 -8.38% -8.92% -0.54%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian -0.1421 0.0913 0.0966 -1.30% -1.37% -0.08%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.1410 0.0700 0.0722 -0.99% -1.02% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.2960 0.0217 0.0215 -0.64% -0.64% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.0964 0.0299 0.0286 -0.29% -0.28% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.0619 0.0340 0.0383 0.21% 0.24% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.1560 0.0674 0.0757 -1.05% -1.18% -0.13%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0816 0.2885 0.3118 2.35% 2.54% 0.19%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0476 0.2100 0.2234 1.00% 1.06% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.0650 0.0359 0.0324 0.23% 0.21% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.1747 0.1097 0.1117 1.92% 1.95% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.2739 0.1992 0.1916 5.45% 5.25% -0.21%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 0.1239 0.0755 0.0647 0.94% 0.80% -0.13%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0485 0.1025 0.1239 0.50% 0.60% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0368 0.0518 0.0645 0.19% 0.24% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.1005 0.0829 0.0933 -0.83% -0.94% -0.10%
Participant Characteristic Veteran -0.2856 0.0674 0.0544 -1.93% -1.55% 0.37%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.0709 0.0744 0.0617 -0.53% -0.44% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.0455 0.0359 0.0507 0.16% 0.23% 0.07%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.0272 0.2262 0.2174 -0.61% -0.59% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.2216 0.0510 0.0412 -1.13% -0.91% 0.22%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0139 0.0832 0.0831 -0.12% -0.12% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.1227 0.0054 0.0048 -0.07% -0.06% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0980 0.8103 0.7374 7.94% 7.23% -0.71%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 0.0096 0.0026 0.0207 0.00% 0.02% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.0082 0.0000 0.1216 0.00% 0.10% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee 0.2057 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -0.0335 0.0504 0.0073 -0.17% -0.02% 0.14%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -0.4284 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.1666 0.0473 0.0348 -0.79% -0.58% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program -0.0041 0.7933 0.8181 -0.32% -0.33% -0.01%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -4.1747 0.0312 0.0286 -13.02% -11.93% 1.09%
Economic Condition Construction Employment -1.4006 0.0601 0.0628 -8.42% -8.79% -0.37%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -2.6465 0.0886 0.0803 -23.45% -21.24% 2.21%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -7.7264 0.0450 0.0489 -34.76% -37.78% -3.02%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -7.3579 0.0453 0.0454 -33.32% -33.44% -0.12%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -2.2441 0.1276 0.1446 -28.63% -32.45% -3.82%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -2.0084 0.2268 0.2232 -45.56% -44.82% 0.74%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -2.4670 0.0977 0.0937 -24.10% -23.12% 0.98%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -1.5175 0.0290 0.0280 -4.40% -4.24% 0.15%
Economic Condition Public Administration -1.7550 0.0506 0.0502 -8.89% -8.81% 0.08%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.6608 0.0644 0.0470 -10.70% -7.81% 2.89%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
65.53% 73.66% 8.14%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0463 0.4499 0.4150 -2.08% -1.92% 0.16%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 0.0829 0.5114 0.5653 4.24% 4.69% 0.45%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 0.1096 0.1599 0.1611 1.75% 1.77% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 0.0530 0.0729 0.0764 0.39% 0.41% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.2183 0.0387 0.0509 -0.84% -1.11% -0.27%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.0037 0.0923 0.0912 0.03% 0.03% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0062 0.0879 0.1290 -0.05% -0.08% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.2646 0.0290 0.0255 0.77% 0.67% -0.09%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.0457 0.0290 0.0255 -0.13% -0.12% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -0.0920 0.0387 0.0518 -0.36% -0.48% -0.12%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0002 0.1511 0.1528 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.1397 0.3409 0.4486 4.76% 6.27% 1.50%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1229 0.2083 0.2120 2.56% 2.61% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.3347 0.0316 0.0378 1.06% 1.27% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.0100 0.0852 0.1052 0.09% 0.11% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.0303 0.0844 0.0797 -0.26% -0.24% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program -0.5610 0.0343 0.0238 -1.92% -1.34% 0.59%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0620 0.2267 0.1898 1.41% 1.18% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.1533 0.2592 0.1709 3.97% 2.62% -1.35%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.1360 0.0888 0.0822 -1.21% -1.12% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Veteran 0.3389 0.0413 0.0435 1.40% 1.48% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.0156 0.0791 0.0690 -0.12% -0.11% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent -0.0962 0.1230 0.1339 -1.18% -1.29% -0.10%
Participant Characteristic Low Income 0.0796 0.5378 0.4092 4.28% 3.26% -1.02%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.3151 0.0852 0.0608 -2.69% -1.92% 0.77%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 0.1596 0.1292 0.1422 2.06% 2.27% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker 0.2315 0.0053 0.0041 0.12% 0.10% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -0.0076 0.6608 0.6343 -0.51% -0.49% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 0.0018 0.0167 0.0830 0.00% 0.02% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant -0.0017 0.0009 0.1224 0.00% -0.02% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -0.2577 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -0.2483 0.3313 0.0263 -8.23% -0.65% 7.57%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -0.0879 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.0175 0.0650 0.0477 -0.11% -0.08% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 1.3650 0.9640 0.9959 131.59% 135.94% 4.36%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 2.0699 0.0312 0.0286 6.45% 5.91% -0.54%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 0.9541 0.0601 0.0628 5.74% 5.99% 0.25%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 7.4429 0.0886 0.0803 65.96% 59.74% -6.22%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -0.3944 0.0450 0.0489 -1.77% -1.93% -0.15%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -0.2737 0.0453 0.0454 -1.24% -1.24% 0.00%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 2.3486 0.1276 0.1446 29.97% 33.96% 4.00%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 0.0360 0.2268 0.2232 0.82% 0.80% -0.01%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 2.7163 0.0977 0.0937 26.54% 25.46% -1.08%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 2.3757 0.0290 0.0280 6.88% 6.64% -0.24%
Economic Condition Public Administration 7.9060 0.0506 0.0502 40.03% 39.69% -0.34%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) 0.2502 0.0644 0.0470 1.61% 1.18% -0.44%

Dislocated Worker

This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2022 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Dislocated Worker program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


The figures below show details for the two performance indicators being assessed in PY 2022 in the Dislocated Worker program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2022 prior to the start of PY 2022.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2022 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2022, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Figure shows a bar chart for each indicator with three bars in each chart showing the Negotiated, Adjusted, and Actual Levels for each indicator. The charts also have a label for the Indicator score and a label for the Adjustment Factor that demonstrates it is equal to the difference between the Negotiated and Adjusted Level. The values listed are those in the Overview Data Table for this program

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2022.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2022 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
65.70% 68.91% 3.21%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0231 0.4692 0.4618 1.08% 1.07% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.0836 0.4256 0.4449 -3.56% -3.72% -0.16%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.1092 0.2502 0.2210 -2.73% -2.41% 0.32%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.2288 0.1318 0.1072 -3.02% -2.45% 0.56%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.1743 0.1365 0.1519 -2.38% -2.65% -0.27%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.3500 0.0827 0.1063 2.89% 3.72% 0.83%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0117 0.0486 0.0708 -0.06% -0.08% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.5246 0.0172 0.0193 -0.90% -1.01% -0.11%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.1932 0.0268 0.0258 -0.52% -0.50% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.0680 0.0308 0.0309 0.21% 0.21% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0731 0.0871 0.1041 -0.64% -0.76% -0.12%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0068 0.2909 0.3101 0.20% 0.21% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0628 0.2255 0.2153 1.42% 1.35% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.1904 0.0422 0.0348 -0.80% -0.66% 0.14%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree -0.0384 0.1162 0.1356 -0.45% -0.52% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.0046 0.1980 0.1891 0.09% 0.09% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 0.0970 0.0736 0.0679 0.71% 0.66% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0487 0.1018 0.1137 0.50% 0.55% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0172 0.0520 0.0575 -0.09% -0.10% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability 0.0330 0.0754 0.0860 0.25% 0.28% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Veteran -0.2285 0.0908 0.0665 -2.07% -1.52% 0.56%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.2210 0.0725 0.0746 -1.60% -1.65% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.1085 0.0335 0.0382 0.36% 0.41% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.0338 0.1974 0.1745 -0.67% -0.59% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Homeless 0.5211 0.0310 0.0224 1.62% 1.17% -0.45%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.3216 0.0572 0.0602 -1.84% -1.94% -0.09%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.2949 0.0266 0.0114 -0.78% -0.34% 0.45%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -0.0084 0.8394 0.7157 -0.70% -0.60% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0409 0.0536 0.1301 -0.22% -0.53% -0.31%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.0451 0.0015 0.1277 0.01% 0.58% 0.57%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -0.0567 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 0.3537 0.0226 0.0031 0.80% 0.11% -0.69%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 0.2364 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 0.2851 0.0218 0.0136 0.62% 0.39% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.1552 0.8926 0.9172 13.86% 14.24% 0.38%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 1.4303 0.0312 0.0285 4.46% 4.08% -0.38%
Economic Condition Construction Employment -0.5257 0.0601 0.0626 -3.16% -3.29% -0.13%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 0.2364 0.0886 0.0797 2.09% 1.88% -0.21%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -1.6062 0.0450 0.0494 -7.23% -7.93% -0.70%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 0.5482 0.0453 0.0452 2.48% 2.48% -0.01%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 0.2933 0.1276 0.1506 3.74% 4.42% 0.67%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 0.2093 0.2268 0.2208 4.75% 4.62% -0.13%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 1.2304 0.0977 0.0973 12.02% 11.97% -0.05%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 0.7709 0.0290 0.0282 2.23% 2.18% -0.06%
Economic Condition Public Administration 1.6962 0.0506 0.0496 8.59% 8.42% -0.17%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.3432 0.0644 0.0424 -8.66% -5.70% 2.96%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$9,389.85 $13,049 $3,658.93
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -3194.7018 0.4782 0.4637 -$1,527.73 -$1,481.35 $46.38
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -1489.4154 0.4444 0.4631 -$661.96 -$689.69 -$27.73
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -2932.8091 0.2566 0.2282 -$752.56 -$669.36 $83.20
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -1880.5645 0.1308 0.1066 -$245.89 -$200.41 $45.48
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -293.8285 0.1041 0.1239 -$30.59 -$36.39 -$5.80
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 677.8024 0.0777 0.1147 $52.63 $77.77 $25.14
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -1804.1246 0.0516 0.0629 -$93.03 -$113.43 -$20.40
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -5677.5355 0.0166 0.0217 -$94.10 -$123.15 -$29.05
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian 2324.7737 0.0252 0.0311 $58.51 $72.35 $13.84
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -5163.7935 0.0298 0.0333 -$153.74 -$172.07 -$18.33
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 521.4230 0.1019 0.1125 $53.13 $58.68 $5.55
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -137.6569 0.3063 0.3238 -$42.17 -$44.57 -$2.41
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -928.1604 0.2176 0.2103 -$201.98 -$195.20 $6.78
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -3874.7207 0.0439 0.0333 -$170.07 -$129.12 $40.95
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 1531.5574 0.1093 0.1358 $167.35 $208.00 $40.64
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 2820.0271 0.1977 0.1858 $557.43 $523.93 -$33.49
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 2696.1613 0.0755 0.0632 $203.58 $170.36 -$33.21
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 303.4803 0.1176 0.1273 $35.68 $38.64 $2.96
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 2309.4115 0.0556 0.0566 $128.30 $130.68 $2.38
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -2030.4505 0.0617 0.0795 -$125.27 -$161.49 -$36.22
Participant Characteristic Veteran -695.8186 0.0804 0.0534 -$55.96 -$37.19 $18.77
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency 195.9659 0.0691 0.0751 $13.53 $14.72 $1.19
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 1963.2405 0.0365 0.0434 $71.71 $85.17 $13.46
Participant Characteristic Low Income -291.4695 0.2014 0.1650 -$58.69 -$48.10 $10.58
Participant Characteristic Homeless 752.7249 0.0258 0.0182 $19.41 $13.72 -$5.68
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 1544.8060 0.0491 0.0607 $75.87 $93.73 $17.86
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -3270.0223 0.0200 0.0066 -$65.24 -$21.59 $43.65
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -972.7286 0.8699 0.7743 -$846.14 -$753.17 $92.97
Participant Characteristic Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.1666 10764.4550 10430.1400 $1,793.15 $1,737.46 -$55.69
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 3775.3932 0.0614 0.1342 $231.76 $506.79 $275.03
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 4.4261 0.0021 0.1814 $0.01 $0.80 $0.79
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee 386.2192 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 2314.6190 0.0258 0.0025 $59.68 $5.82 -$53.86
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -8372.7233 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -1955.0387 0.0178 0.0123 -$34.80 -$23.97 $10.83
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 2223.3571 0.9002 0.9227 $2,001.57 $2,051.42 $49.85
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -23534.9939 0.0312 0.0285 -$734 -$671 $63.24
Economic Condition Construction Employment 83119.9623 0.0601 0.0626 $4,997 $5,204 $207.29
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 58577.9822 0.0886 0.0797 $5,191 $4,669 -$522.76
Economic Condition Information Services Employment 125620.4552 0.0450 0.0494 $5,652 $6,201 $549.53
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 105981.7620 0.0453 0.0452 $4,800 $4,789 -$10.69
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 111080.8008 0.1276 0.1506 $14,173 $16,725 $2,551.26
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 11146.4733 0.2268 0.2208 $2,529 $2,461 -$67.87
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 8900.5439 0.0977 0.0973 $870 $866 -$3.79
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -59535.1176 0.0290 0.0282 -$1,724 -$1,681 $43.74
Economic Condition Public Administration 26996.7299 0.0506 0.0496 $1,367 $1,340 -$27.37
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -15881.2266 0.0644 0.0424 -$1,023 -$674 $349.94

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
66.09% 65.76% -0.33%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0041 0.4537 0.4612 -0.18% -0.19% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.1076 0.4399 0.4539 -4.73% -4.88% -0.15%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.2511 0.2426 0.2256 -6.09% -5.66% 0.43%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.2019 0.1252 0.1100 -2.53% -2.22% 0.31%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.2530 0.1303 0.1375 -3.30% -3.48% -0.18%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.4524 0.0860 0.1081 3.89% 4.89% 1.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.1191 0.0521 0.0648 -0.62% -0.77% -0.15%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.1024 0.0151 0.0221 -0.15% -0.23% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.0252 0.0289 0.0248 -0.07% -0.06% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.0830 0.0328 0.0317 0.27% 0.26% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 0.1003 0.0849 0.0948 0.85% 0.95% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0511 0.2900 0.3020 1.48% 1.54% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0166 0.2206 0.2185 0.37% 0.36% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.1810 0.0422 0.0329 -0.76% -0.60% 0.17%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree -0.1840 0.1191 0.1293 -2.19% -2.38% -0.19%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.0547 0.1978 0.1916 1.08% 1.05% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 0.0472 0.0715 0.0698 0.34% 0.33% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0886 0.1456 0.1144 1.29% 1.01% -0.28%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0849 0.0530 0.0594 0.45% 0.50% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability 0.0694 0.0771 0.0787 0.54% 0.55% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Veteran -0.1993 0.0905 0.0646 -1.80% -1.29% 0.52%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.0976 0.0715 0.0687 -0.70% -0.67% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.0341 0.0332 0.0342 0.11% 0.12% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.0555 0.1892 0.1716 -1.05% -0.95% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Homeless 0.0746 0.0295 0.0210 0.22% 0.16% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0098 0.0549 0.0596 -0.05% -0.06% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker 0.0164 0.0218 0.0092 0.04% 0.01% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0573 0.8318 0.7503 4.77% 4.30% -0.47%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0070 0.0590 0.1216 -0.04% -0.09% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.0458 0.0030 0.0973 0.01% 0.45% 0.43%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee 0.0095 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 0.0512 0.0465 0.0027 0.24% 0.01% -0.22%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 0.0456 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 0.1871 0.0157 0.0133 0.29% 0.25% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.1148 0.8983 0.9129 10.32% 10.49% 0.17%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 1.3129 0.0312 0.0286 4.09% 3.75% -0.34%
Economic Condition Construction Employment -0.8325 0.0601 0.0628 -5.00% -5.23% -0.22%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -0.5081 0.0886 0.0803 -4.50% -4.08% 0.42%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -11.9267 0.0450 0.0489 -53.66% -58.32% -4.66%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -0.6299 0.0453 0.0454 -2.85% -2.86% -0.01%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -0.6345 0.1276 0.1446 -8.10% -9.18% -1.08%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -1.7545 0.2268 0.2232 -39.80% -39.16% 0.64%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -0.2925 0.0977 0.0937 -2.86% -2.74% 0.12%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -3.6770 0.0290 0.0280 -10.65% -10.28% 0.37%
Economic Condition Public Administration 1.5314 0.0506 0.0502 7.75% 7.69% -0.07%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.7600 0.0644 0.0470 -11.34% -8.28% 3.06%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
74.75% 86.07% 11.32%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0252 0.3634 0.3646 -0.92% -0.92% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 0.0338 0.5155 0.5243 1.74% 1.77% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 0.1324 0.2382 0.2132 3.15% 2.82% -0.33%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.0025 0.1211 0.1029 -0.03% -0.03% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more 0.1304 0.0621 0.0691 0.81% 0.90% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian -0.2106 0.1041 0.1045 -2.19% -2.20% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black 0.0471 0.0761 0.1062 0.36% 0.50% 0.14%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.4096 0.0190 0.0206 0.78% 0.84% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.0992 0.0390 0.0214 -0.39% -0.21% 0.18%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.3275 0.0440 0.0362 1.44% 1.19% -0.26%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 0.0081 0.1341 0.1547 0.11% 0.12% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -0.0129 0.3504 0.3893 -0.45% -0.50% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.1121 0.1942 0.2156 -2.18% -2.42% -0.24%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.2811 0.0410 0.0329 1.15% 0.93% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.1856 0.1221 0.1202 2.27% 2.23% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.0818 0.1702 0.1407 -1.39% -1.15% 0.24%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program -0.3014 0.0541 0.0469 -1.63% -1.41% 0.22%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.1312 0.1121 0.0988 1.47% 1.30% -0.18%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0100 0.1011 0.0790 -0.10% -0.08% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.4508 0.0741 0.0601 -3.34% -2.71% 0.63%
Participant Characteristic Veteran 0.1258 0.0721 0.0469 0.91% 0.59% -0.32%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency 0.0749 0.0561 0.0634 0.42% 0.47% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent -0.0861 0.0531 0.0658 -0.46% -0.57% -0.11%
Participant Characteristic Low Income 0.0180 0.2302 0.2049 0.41% 0.37% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.5689 0.0260 0.0239 -1.48% -1.36% 0.12%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 0.0332 0.0611 0.0798 0.20% 0.27% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker 0.1077 0.0050 0.0082 0.05% 0.09% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -0.0786 0.7808 0.7432 -6.13% -5.84% 0.30%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0394 0.1381 0.2420 -0.54% -0.95% -0.41%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.0307 0.0150 0.1193 0.05% 0.37% 0.32%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -0.1266 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -0.1200 0.1141 0.0049 -1.37% -0.06% 1.31%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 0.5323 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.2561 0.0120 0.0140 -0.31% -0.36% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 2.8340 0.9990 1.0000 283.12% 283.40% 0.28%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -5.0111 0.0312 0.0286 -15.62% -14.31% 1.31%
Economic Condition Construction Employment -2.9335 0.0601 0.0628 -17.64% -18.41% -0.78%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 5.0773 0.0886 0.0803 45.00% 40.75% -4.25%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment 6.9045 0.0450 0.0489 31.06% 33.76% 2.70%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 13.0516 0.0453 0.0454 59.11% 59.32% 0.21%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 5.5068 0.1276 0.1446 70.26% 79.63% 9.37%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 0.2998 0.2268 0.2232 6.80% 6.69% -0.11%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 0.2924 0.0977 0.0937 2.86% 2.74% -0.12%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 5.5975 0.0290 0.0280 16.21% 15.66% -0.56%
Economic Condition Public Administration 4.8562 0.0506 0.0502 24.59% 24.38% -0.21%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.0847 0.0644 0.0470 -6.99% -5.10% 1.89%


This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2022 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Youth program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


The figures below show details for the two performance indicators being assessed in PY 2022 in the Youth program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2022 prior to the start of PY 2022.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2022 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2022, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Figure shows a bar chart for each indicator with three bars in each chart showing the Negotiated, Adjusted, and Actual Levels for each indicator. The charts also have a label for the Indicator score and a label for the Adjustment Factor that demonstrates it is equal to the difference between the Negotiated and Adjusted Level. The values listed are those in the Overview Data Table for this program

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2022.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2022 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
57.16% 59.09% 1.93%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0167 0.4410 0.4642 0.74% 0.78% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Age 14 to 15 0.0898 0.0043 0.0111 0.04% 0.10% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 17 -0.1289 0.2488 0.2846 -3.21% -3.67% -0.46%
Participant Characteristic Age 18 to 19 -0.1166 0.3544 0.3245 -4.13% -3.78% 0.35%
Participant Characteristic Age 20 to 21 -0.1064 0.2095 0.2003 -2.23% -2.13% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.0252 0.0676 0.0680 0.17% 0.17% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0730 0.1265 0.1086 -0.92% -0.79% 0.13%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.1021 0.0289 0.0340 -0.29% -0.35% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.2275 0.0719 0.0650 -1.64% -1.48% 0.16%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.0211 0.0731 0.0732 0.15% 0.15% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0851 0.2187 0.2927 -1.86% -2.49% -0.63%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.1735 0.3262 0.3282 5.66% 5.69% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.1295 0.0387 0.0429 -0.50% -0.56% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.1601 0.0025 0.0007 -0.04% -0.01% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate or Bachelor Degree 0.4530 0.0061 0.0052 0.28% 0.23% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.2263 0.1204 0.1456 2.72% 3.29% 0.57%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.1277 0.1327 0.1929 1.69% 2.46% 0.77%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.1481 0.2285 0.3097 -3.38% -4.59% -1.20%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.1547 0.0590 0.0658 -0.91% -1.02% -0.11%
Participant Characteristic Low Income 0.0155 0.4975 0.3718 0.77% 0.58% -0.19%
Participant Characteristic Homeless 0.0878 0.1376 0.1596 1.21% 1.40% 0.19%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0017 0.1351 0.1737 -0.02% -0.03% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth -0.1644 0.0326 0.0510 -0.54% -0.84% -0.30%
Participant Characteristic Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth 0.0103 0.1314 0.1493 0.14% 0.15% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry 0.0835 0.3286 0.3016 2.74% 2.52% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0054 0.0000 0.0007 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.1518 0.0000 0.0621 0.00% 0.94% 0.94%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 0.0086 0.1278 0.0074 0.11% 0.01% -0.10%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -0.0067 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.0067 0.0289 0.0303 -0.02% -0.02% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Youth Needing Additional Assistance 0.0013 0.0792 0.0532 0.01% 0.01% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.0692 0.9779 0.9593 6.77% 6.64% -0.13%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -3.1262 0.0312 0.0285 -9.75% -8.91% 0.84%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 0.4028 0.0601 0.0626 2.42% 2.52% 0.10%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -1.4549 0.0886 0.0797 -12.89% -11.60% 1.30%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -4.1207 0.0450 0.0494 -18.54% -20.34% -1.80%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -4.4876 0.0453 0.0452 -20.32% -20.28% 0.05%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -1.3026 0.1276 0.1506 -16.62% -19.61% -2.99%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -2.8174 0.2268 0.2208 -63.91% -62.20% 1.72%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -1.7597 0.0977 0.0973 -17.19% -17.12% 0.07%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -1.8215 0.0290 0.0282 -5.28% -5.14% 0.13%
Economic Condition Public Administration 0.8470 0.0506 0.0496 4.29% 4.20% -0.09%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.2401 0.0644 0.0424 -7.99% -5.26% 2.73%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$3,937.75 $5,494.82 $1,557.07
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -101.6598 0.4606 0.4538 -$46.83 -$46.13 $0.70
Participant Characteristic Age 14 to 15 -3015.8382 0.0022 0.0037 -$6.60 -$11.31 -$4.71
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 17 -2745.2517 0.2330 0.2638 -$639.76 -$724.06 -$84.30
Participant Characteristic Age 18 to 19 -3507.3594 0.3512 0.3275 -$1,231.80 -$1,148.66 $83.14
Participant Characteristic Age 20 to 21 -503.5183 0.2112 0.2087 -$106.32 -$105.11 $1.21
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 1474.9878 0.0810 0.0675 $119.42 $99.56 -$19.86
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -1894.5932 0.1291 0.1163 -$244.60 -$220.25 $24.35
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 529.1414 0.0317 0.0325 $16.79 $17.20 $0.41
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -1050.6544 0.0656 0.0425 -$68.97 -$44.65 $24.32
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 1367.3188 0.0755 0.0700 $103.22 $95.71 -$7.51
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 336.9738 0.2385 0.3150 $80.37 $106.15 $25.77
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 1196.8854 0.3578 0.3787 $428.21 $453.32 $25.11
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -1276.8208 0.0405 0.0437 -$51.69 -$55.86 -$4.17
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 941.9529 0.0033 0.0013 $3.09 $1.18 -$1.91
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate or Bachelor Degree -320.7122 0.0033 0.0063 -$1.05 -$2.00 -$0.95
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 1495.5398 0.1586 0.1850 $237.26 $276.67 $39.42
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 536.9296 0.1258 0.1775 $67.56 $95.31 $27.75
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability 89.3070 0.2057 0.2950 $18.37 $26.35 $7.98
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -16.1343 0.0624 0.0562 -$1.01 -$0.91 $0.10
Participant Characteristic Low Income 339.6506 0.4836 0.3650 $164.25 $123.97 -$40.28
Participant Characteristic Homeless -606.9481 0.1422 0.1462 -$86.33 -$88.77 -$2.44
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -656.2037 0.1357 0.1750 -$89.03 -$114.84 -$25.81
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth -1477.4268 0.0241 0.0462 -$35.56 -$68.33 -$32.77
Participant Characteristic Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth -1577.8130 0.1324 0.1600 -$208.88 -$252.45 -$43.57
Participant Characteristic Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry 161.6642 0.3392 0.3038 $54.83 $49.11 -$5.73
Participant Characteristic Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0866 3075.1050 2779.7400 $266.30 $240.72 -$25.58
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 694.4106 0.0000 0.0013 $0.00 $0.87 $0.87
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 237.2118 0.0000 0.1000 $0.00 $23.72 $23.72
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -723.7498 0.1236 0.0063 -$89.48 -$4.52 $84.96
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -2786.5208 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 494.3632 0.0197 0.0338 $9.74 $16.68 $6.95
Participant Characteristic Youth Needing Additional Assistance 22.0443 0.0853 0.0525 $1.88 $1.16 -$0.72
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 1124.9674 0.9748 0.9625 $1,096.66 $1,082.78 -$13.88
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -31769.2817 0.0312 0.0285 -$990.58 -$905.21 $85.37
Economic Condition Construction Employment 16961.0081 0.0601 0.0626 $1,019.69 $1,061.99 $42.30
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -11384.7383 0.0886 0.0797 -$1,008.96 -$907.36 $101.60
Economic Condition Information Services Employment 6224.8829 0.0450 0.0494 $280.07 $307.30 $27.23
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 29775.1183 0.0453 0.0452 $1,348.43 $1,345.43 -$3.00
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 37932.3099 0.1276 0.1506 $4,839.95 $5,711.16 $871.21
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -14112.4997 0.2268 0.2208 -$3,201.34 -$3,115.41 $85.93
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -14704.8247 0.0977 0.0973 -$1,436.74 -$1,430.49 $6.25
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -72828.5856 0.0290 0.0282 -$2,109.40 -$2,055.89 $53.51
Economic Condition Public Administration 14750.1520 0.0506 0.0496 $746.88 $731.92 -$14.96
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -10850.0293 0.0644 0.0424 -$699.22 -$460.14 $239.08

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
58.82% 59.69% 0.87%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0210 0.4367 0.4759 -0.92% -1.00% -0.08%
Participant Characteristic Age 14 to 15 0.0763 0.0034 0.0111 0.03% 0.08% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 17 0.0218 0.2628 0.2366 0.57% 0.52% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Age 18 to 19 -0.1581 0.3566 0.3442 -5.64% -5.44% 0.20%
Participant Characteristic Age 20 to 21 0.0156 0.2047 0.2073 0.32% 0.32% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.2361 0.0601 0.0684 1.42% 1.62% 0.20%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0910 0.1319 0.1167 -1.20% -1.06% 0.14%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0331 0.0342 0.0352 0.11% 0.12% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian 0.0731 0.0747 0.0652 0.55% 0.48% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.0096 0.0787 0.0678 0.08% 0.07% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0080 0.2159 0.2992 -0.17% -0.24% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.1564 0.3097 0.3370 4.85% 5.27% 0.43%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0642 0.0327 0.0352 0.21% 0.23% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.3115 0.0020 0.0033 -0.06% -0.10% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate or Bachelor Degree -0.3490 0.0122 0.0104 -0.43% -0.36% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.1259 0.1236 0.1128 1.56% 1.42% -0.14%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0968 0.1431 0.1630 1.39% 1.58% 0.19%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.1118 0.1915 0.2621 -2.14% -2.93% -0.79%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.2741 0.0581 0.0619 -1.59% -1.70% -0.10%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.0433 0.4792 0.3429 -2.08% -1.49% 0.59%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.1895 0.1426 0.1584 -2.70% -3.00% -0.30%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0883 0.1383 0.1786 -1.22% -1.58% -0.36%
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth 0.1112 0.0381 0.0456 0.42% 0.51% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth -0.1545 0.1255 0.1532 -1.94% -2.37% -0.43%
Participant Characteristic Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry 0.0573 0.3825 0.2914 2.19% 1.67% -0.52%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 0.0188 0.0000 0.0007 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant -0.0054 0.0000 0.0711 0.00% -0.04% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -0.1043 0.2140 0.0150 -2.23% -0.16% 2.08%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -0.0523 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 0.1758 0.0288 0.0398 0.51% 0.70% 0.19%
Participant Characteristic Youth Needing Additional Assistance -0.0133 0.0914 0.0613 -0.12% -0.08% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.4301 0.9673 0.9400 41.60% 40.43% -1.17%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -5.7091 0.0312 0.0286 -17.80% -16.31% 1.49%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 0.4661 0.0601 0.0628 2.80% 2.93% 0.12%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -3.6715 0.0886 0.0803 -32.54% -29.47% 3.07%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -14.8678 0.0450 0.0489 -66.89% -72.70% -5.81%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -5.6291 0.0453 0.0454 -25.49% -25.58% -0.09%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -2.3643 0.1276 0.1446 -30.17% -34.19% -4.02%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -3.8784 0.2268 0.2232 -87.98% -86.56% 1.42%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -3.0849 0.0977 0.0937 -30.14% -28.91% 1.23%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -5.0640 0.0290 0.0280 -14.67% -14.16% 0.50%
Economic Condition Public Administration -1.8573 0.0506 0.0502 -9.40% -9.33% 0.08%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.5886 0.0644 0.0470 -10.24% -7.47% 2.77%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
58.93% 47.21% -11.72%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0434 0.4368 0.4921 1.90% 2.14% 0.24%
Participant Characteristic Age 14 to 15 -0.4513 0.0119 0.0170 -0.54% -0.77% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 17 0.0929 0.2253 0.3265 2.09% 3.03% 0.94%
Participant Characteristic Age 18 to 19 0.0691 0.3597 0.3367 2.49% 2.33% -0.16%
Participant Characteristic Age 20 to 21 0.0890 0.1937 0.1667 1.72% 1.48% -0.24%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.1542 0.0553 0.0692 0.85% 1.07% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0304 0.1403 0.1066 -0.43% -0.32% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.1374 0.0494 0.0340 0.68% 0.47% -0.21%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.0178 0.0731 0.0476 -0.13% -0.08% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.2376 0.1008 0.0522 2.39% 1.24% -1.16%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0493 0.2213 0.3265 -1.09% -1.61% -0.52%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.1862 0.3281 0.1553 6.11% 2.89% -3.22%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1663 0.0415 0.0147 0.69% 0.25% -0.45%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.5334 0.0040 0.0023 -0.21% -0.12% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate or Bachelor Degree -0.7095 0.0119 0.0057 -0.84% -0.40% 0.44%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0278 0.1324 0.1247 0.37% 0.35% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.1163 0.1877 0.2018 2.18% 2.35% 0.16%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability 0.0253 0.1996 0.1871 0.50% 0.47% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency 0.0353 0.0593 0.0658 0.21% 0.23% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Low Income 0.0121 0.4881 0.3186 0.59% 0.39% -0.21%
Participant Characteristic Homeless 0.0353 0.1403 0.1236 0.49% 0.44% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0131 0.1443 0.1667 -0.19% -0.22% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth -0.1953 0.0395 0.0340 -0.77% -0.66% 0.11%
Participant Characteristic Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth -0.0207 0.1581 0.1519 -0.33% -0.31% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry -0.0199 0.4032 0.3628 -0.80% -0.72% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0055 0.0000 0.0011 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.0966 0.0000 0.0794 0.00% 0.77% 0.77%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient -0.1342 0.2213 0.0181 -2.97% -0.24% 2.73%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 0.3172 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.1376 0.0237 0.0329 -0.33% -0.45% -0.13%
Participant Characteristic Youth Needing Additional Assistance 0.0316 0.0632 0.0510 0.20% 0.16% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 1.1515 0.9901 0.9841 114.01% 113.32% -0.69%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -1.5414 0.0312 0.0286 -4.81% -4.40% 0.40%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 7.2049 0.0601 0.0628 43.32% 45.22% 1.91%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 0.7968 0.0886 0.0803 7.06% 6.40% -0.67%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -28.2354 0.0450 0.0489 -127.04% -138.07% -11.03%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -6.8477 0.0453 0.0454 -31.01% -31.12% -0.11%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 1.6493 0.1276 0.1446 21.04% 23.85% 2.81%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 2.2917 0.2268 0.2232 51.99% 51.15% -0.84%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 3.9515 0.0977 0.0937 38.61% 37.04% -1.57%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -1.1963 0.0290 0.0280 -3.46% -3.35% 0.12%
Economic Condition Public Administration 4.3119 0.0506 0.0502 21.83% 21.65% -0.18%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) 0.6431 0.0644 0.0470 4.14% 3.02% -1.12%








This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2022 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Wagner-Peyser program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


The figures below show details for the two performance indicators being assessed in PY 2022 in the Wagner-Peyser program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2022 prior to the start of PY 2022.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2022 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2022, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Figure shows a bar chart for each indicator with three bars in each chart showing the Negotiated, Adjusted, and Actual Levels for each indicator. The charts also have a label for the Indicator score and a label for the Adjustment Factor that demonstrates it is equal to the difference between the Negotiated and Adjusted Level. The values listed are those in the Overview Data Table for this program

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2022.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2022 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
64.16% 61.07% -3.09%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0410 0.4515 0.4754 -1.85% -1.95% -0.10%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.5708 0.4403 0.4542 -25.13% -25.92% -0.79%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.6286 0.2122 0.1986 -13.34% -12.48% 0.86%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.3253 0.1055 0.1030 -3.43% -3.35% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.6283 0.1289 0.1514 -8.10% -9.51% -1.42%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.2253 0.0769 0.0905 1.73% 2.04% 0.31%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.1528 0.0683 0.0791 -1.04% -1.21% -0.16%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.7994 0.0191 0.0198 -1.52% -1.58% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.1082 0.0319 0.0313 -0.35% -0.34% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -0.3641 0.0288 0.0308 -1.05% -1.12% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0103 0.1637 0.1570 -0.17% -0.16% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0905 0.3208 0.3146 2.90% 2.85% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.0792 0.1862 0.1869 -1.48% -1.48% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.1081 0.0288 0.0280 -0.31% -0.30% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.0332 0.0927 0.0976 0.31% 0.32% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.1430 0.1465 0.1578 -2.09% -2.26% -0.16%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program -0.3504 0.0544 0.0566 -1.91% -1.98% -0.08%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.2224 0.1167 0.1132 2.60% 2.52% -0.08%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0502 0.0545 0.0508 -0.27% -0.26% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability 0.0778 0.0803 0.0837 0.62% 0.65% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Veteran 0.0462 0.0651 0.0554 0.30% 0.26% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.2257 0.1026 0.0977 -2.31% -2.21% 0.11%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.1387 0.0300 0.0327 0.42% 0.45% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Low Income 0.0085 0.1779 0.1575 0.15% 0.13% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Homeless 0.0808 0.0434 0.0344 0.35% 0.28% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0647 0.0668 0.0617 -0.43% -0.40% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.5711 0.0019 0.0010 -0.11% -0.06% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.3747 0.7821 0.7073 29.30% 26.50% -2.80%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 0.0418 0.0034 0.0121 0.01% 0.05% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant -0.0187 0.0001 0.1637 0.00% -0.31% -0.31%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -0.0319 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 0.3495 0.0101 0.0018 0.35% 0.06% -0.29%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient -0.1557 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.5502 0.0380 0.0361 -2.09% -1.99% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.0350 0.6084 0.6393 2.13% 2.24% 0.11%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -0.4813 0.0312 0.0285 -1.50% -1.37% 0.13%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 0.4193 0.0601 0.0626 2.52% 2.63% 0.10%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -2.2763 0.0886 0.0797 -20.17% -18.14% 2.03%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -0.9900 0.0450 0.0494 -4.45% -4.89% -0.43%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -6.6387 0.0453 0.0452 -30.06% -30.00% 0.07%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -1.6562 0.1276 0.1506 -21.13% -24.94% -3.80%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -1.0955 0.2268 0.2208 -24.85% -24.18% 0.67%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -0.2034 0.0977 0.0973 -1.99% -1.98% 0.01%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 1.1269 0.0290 0.0282 3.26% 3.18% -0.08%
Economic Condition Public Administration -1.7891 0.0506 0.0496 -9.06% -8.88% 0.18%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.2466 0.0644 0.0424 -8.03% -5.29% 2.75%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$7,692.03 $10,023 $2,331.17
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -2769.7732 0.4506 0.4753 -$1,247.93 -$1,316.34 -$68.41
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 519.6181 0.4519 0.4660 $234.82 $242.17 $7.35
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -2156.1434 0.2212 0.2059 -$476.84 -$443.89 $32.95
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -2046.2278 0.1050 0.1038 -$214.82 -$212.44 $2.38
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more 3241.4140 0.1050 0.1273 $340.29 $412.62 $72.33
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 1725.7879 0.0745 0.0916 $128.57 $158.04 $29.46
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -4973.9945 0.0626 0.0760 -$311.15 -$378.07 -$66.92
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 90.5056 0.0190 0.0199 $1.72 $1.80 $0.08
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -970.1974 0.0305 0.0305 -$29.55 -$29.58 -$0.03
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 5013.8613 0.0268 0.0301 $134.56 $150.77 $16.20
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 448.9551 0.1923 0.1795 $86.35 $80.59 -$5.76
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 264.7679 0.3257 0.3201 $86.24 $84.76 -$1.48
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 1008.7336 0.1753 0.1786 $176.88 $180.16 $3.29
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -3861.0349 0.0283 0.0265 -$109.31 -$102.19 $7.12
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 71.9348 0.0921 0.0974 $6.63 $7.01 $0.38
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 1313.3739 0.1426 0.1550 $187.28 $203.59 $16.31
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program -1238.6665 0.0520 0.0531 -$64.42 -$65.74 -$1.33
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 429.1174 0.1370 0.1289 $58.78 $55.31 -$3.47
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 1562.2743 0.0522 0.0496 $81.62 $77.55 -$4.07
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability 2237.3269 0.0617 0.0728 $138.09 $162.84 $24.75
Participant Characteristic Veteran -82.0691 0.0575 0.0478 -$4.72 -$3.92 $0.79
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -607.7092 0.1157 0.1067 -$70.32 -$64.82 $5.50
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 146.6902 0.0302 0.0341 $4.42 $5.00 $0.58
Participant Characteristic Low Income 319.3894 0.1648 0.1459 $52.64 $46.61 -$6.03
Participant Characteristic Homeless -6411.7951 0.0356 0.0279 -$228.12 -$179.06 $49.06
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 3062.9558 0.0593 0.0565 $181.73 $173.03 -$8.70
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -18836.3606 0.0016 0.0006 -$29.25 -$11.98 $17.28
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -1784.6321 0.8615 0.8078 -$1,537.51 -$1,441.60 $95.91
Participant Characteristic Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.4780 9308.3252 10088.0000 $4,449.12 $4,821.78 $372.66
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed 533.2014 0.0040 0.0127 $2.12 $6.79 $4.67
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 196.7449 0.0002 0.2346 $0.04 $46.15 $46.12
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -118.2748 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 3672.4806 0.0102 0.0015 $37.58 $5.36 -$32.22
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 3238.1297 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -9275.4916 0.0320 0.0306 -$297.14 -$283.50 $13.64
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 127.3055 0.5979 0.6374 $76.12 $81.14 $5.02
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -25324.0013 0.0312 0.0285 -$789.61 -$721.57 $68.05
Economic Condition Construction Employment 11767.7365 0.0601 0.0626 $707.47 $736.82 $29.35
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -13580.5184 0.0886 0.0797 -$1,203.56 -$1,082.36 $121.20
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -3839.4998 0.0450 0.0494 -$172.75 -$189.54 -$16.80
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -31488.5284 0.0453 0.0452 -$1,426.03 -$1,422.85 $3.18
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 33885.7825 0.1276 0.1506 $4,323.64 $5,101.91 $778.27
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -36167.2361 0.2268 0.2208 -$8,204.34 -$7,984.12 $220.21
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -36962.0514 0.0977 0.0973 -$3,611.40 -$3,595.68 $15.72
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -124520.9458 0.0290 0.0282 -$3,606.61 -$3,515.12 $91.49
Economic Condition Public Administration -17628.5137 0.0506 0.0496 -$892.62 -$874.75 $17.87
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -17117.9348 0.0644 0.0424 -$1,103.15 -$725.96 $377.19

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
61.21% 63.56% 2.35%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.1406 0.4389 0.4857 6.17% 6.83% 0.66%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.3868 0.4394 0.4434 -17.00% -17.15% -0.15%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.4306 0.2103 0.1957 -9.05% -8.43% 0.63%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.0733 0.1045 0.1024 -0.77% -0.75% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.5282 0.1215 0.1510 -6.42% -7.98% -1.56%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.1321 0.0800 0.0953 1.06% 1.26% 0.20%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.0507 0.0743 0.0735 -0.38% -0.37% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -1.3104 0.0209 0.0186 -2.73% -2.44% 0.29%
Participant Characteristic Race: American Indian -0.2526 0.0340 0.0291 -0.86% -0.74% 0.12%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -0.2483 0.0317 0.0296 -0.79% -0.74% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 0.1568 0.1724 0.1465 2.70% 2.30% -0.41%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0972 0.3193 0.3079 3.10% 2.99% -0.11%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.0043 0.1816 0.1934 -0.08% -0.08% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.3474 0.0293 0.0264 -1.02% -0.92% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.0622 0.0890 0.0979 0.55% 0.61% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.4859 0.1476 0.1613 -7.17% -7.84% -0.67%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 0.9178 0.0539 0.0573 4.94% 5.26% 0.31%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0352 0.1267 0.1147 0.45% 0.40% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0145 0.0611 0.0529 0.09% 0.08% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a Disability -0.1204 0.0853 0.0816 -1.03% -0.98% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Veteran 0.1738 0.0710 0.0580 1.23% 1.01% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.2756 0.1106 0.0914 -3.05% -2.52% 0.53%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.2784 0.0303 0.0326 0.84% 0.91% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.0657 0.1905 0.1477 -1.25% -0.97% 0.28%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.0615 0.0480 0.0317 -0.30% -0.20% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated -0.1714 0.0712 0.0587 -1.22% -1.01% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.2676 0.0016 0.0010 -0.04% -0.03% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0499 0.7636 0.6930 3.81% 3.46% -0.35%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.1080 0.0035 0.0133 -0.04% -0.14% -0.11%
Participant Characteristic UI Claimant 0.0163 0.0002 0.1379 0.00% 0.22% 0.22%
Participant Characteristic UI Exhaustee -0.2577 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Other Public Assistance Recipient 0.1957 0.0191 0.0022 0.37% 0.04% -0.33%
Participant Characteristic SSI or SSDI Recipient 0.6743 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -0.3215 0.0400 0.0279 -1.29% -0.90% 0.39%
Participant Characteristic Percent with More than 1 Day in Program 0.0281 0.6409 0.6227 1.80% 1.75% -0.05%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -3.0658 0.0312 0.0286 -9.56% -8.76% 0.80%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 0.6203 0.0601 0.0628 3.73% 3.89% 0.16%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -2.9523 0.0886 0.0803 -26.16% -23.70% 2.47%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -5.9375 0.0450 0.0489 -26.71% -29.03% -2.32%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -4.7934 0.0453 0.0454 -21.71% -21.79% -0.08%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -2.8551 0.1276 0.1446 -36.43% -41.29% -4.86%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -2.0952 0.2268 0.2232 -47.53% -46.76% 0.77%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -2.5672 0.0977 0.0937 -25.08% -24.06% 1.02%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -1.3413 0.0290 0.0280 -3.88% -3.75% 0.13%
Economic Condition Public Administration -2.1967 0.0506 0.0502 -11.12% -11.03% 0.09%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -2.2206 0.0644 0.0470 -14.31% -10.44% 3.87%

Vocational Rehabilitation

This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2022 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Vocational Rehabilitation program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


The figures below show details for the two performance indicators being assessed in PY 2022 in the Vocational Rehabilitation program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2022 prior to the start of PY 2022.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2022 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2022, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Figure shows a bar chart for each indicator with three bars in each chart showing the Negotiated, Adjusted, and Actual Levels for each indicator. The charts also have a label for the Indicator score and a label for the Adjustment Factor that demonstrates it is equal to the difference between the Negotiated and Adjusted Level. The values listed are those in the Overview Data Table for this program

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2022.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2022 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2022 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
35.84% 40.05% 4.21%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.1269 0.4476 0.4101 -5.68% -5.20% 0.48%
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 18 -0.1628 0.0703 0.0687 -1.14% -1.12% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Age 19 to 24 0.2448 0.2524 0.3017 6.18% 7.38% 1.21%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 0.0172 0.3634 0.3434 0.63% 0.59% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.4994 0.1571 0.1383 -7.85% -6.91% 0.94%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.4670 0.0817 0.0723 -3.81% -3.38% 0.44%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -1.0231 0.0725 0.0705 -7.42% -7.21% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.2698 0.0469 0.0641 1.27% 1.73% 0.47%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black 0.3527 0.1066 0.0947 3.76% 3.34% -0.42%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.6331 0.0341 0.0321 2.16% 2.03% -0.13%
Participant Characteristic Race: Caucasian 0.3934 0.7846 0.7749 30.87% 30.49% -0.38%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -0.0961 0.0601 0.0614 -0.58% -0.59% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0068 0.0985 0.1259 -0.07% -0.09% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -0.0001 0.0170 0.0077 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1180 0.0159 0.0176 0.19% 0.21% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.2967 0.0030 0.0022 0.09% 0.06% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.2023 0.0063 0.0046 0.13% 0.09% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 0.7969 0.0059 0.0022 0.47% 0.17% -0.30%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.7145 0.0678 0.0169 4.84% 1.21% -3.63%
Participant Characteristic Veteran 0.0424 0.0190 0.0130 0.08% 0.06% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.0992 0.2051 0.2759 -2.03% -2.74% -0.70%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.2416 0.0293 0.0163 0.71% 0.39% -0.31%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.1066 0.2821 0.3610 -3.01% -3.85% -0.84%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.0438 0.0150 0.0106 -0.07% -0.05% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 0.0514 0.0396 0.0381 0.20% 0.20% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker 0.1365 0.0106 0.0100 0.14% 0.14% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth -0.0088 0.0062 0.0076 -0.01% -0.01% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0150 0.4011 0.4681 -0.60% -0.70% -0.10%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 0.0047 0.0293 0.0145 0.01% 0.01% -0.01%
Participant Characteristic Public Assistance Recipient -0.1300 0.6839 0.7247 -8.89% -9.42% -0.53%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Auditory and/or Communicative Disability 0.2036 0.0872 0.0660 1.77% 1.34% -0.43%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Physical Disability 0.4408 0.2092 0.1767 9.22% 7.79% -1.43%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Intellectual and/or Learning Disability 0.2521 0.3744 0.4269 9.44% 10.76% 1.33%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Psychosocial and/or Psychological Disability 0.0418 0.2755 0.2644 1.15% 1.11% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a significant disability -0.1539 0.2022 0.2635 -3.11% -4.06% -0.94%
Participant Characteristic Individual with most significant disablility -0.1594 0.7905 0.7328 -12.60% -11.68% 0.92%
Participant Characteristic Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers -0.0539 0.3048 0.0039 -1.64% -0.02% 1.62%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Special Education Certificate/Completion (No HS diploma) -0.0293 0.0048 0.0015 -0.01% 0.00% 0.01%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 5.2338 0.0311 0.0276 16.29% 14.45% -1.84%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 7.0216 0.0615 0.0625 43.21% 43.91% 0.71%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 6.9750 0.0870 0.0797 60.69% 55.58% -5.11%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment 16.3909 0.0470 0.0497 77.02% 81.45% 4.42%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 5.1447 0.0462 0.0450 23.79% 23.17% -0.62%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 7.3073 0.1297 0.1552 94.75% 113.44% 18.69%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 6.5193 0.2296 0.2207 149.70% 143.87% -5.83%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 7.4715 0.0845 0.0980 63.16% 73.19% 10.03%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 3.3277 0.0276 0.0284 9.18% 9.44% 0.26%
Economic Condition Public Administration 6.1988 0.0523 0.0494 32.40% 30.62% -1.78%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.3454 0.0841 0.0421 -2.90% -1.45% 1.45%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$3,816.17 $4,533.01 $716.84
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -2158.2244 0.4194 0.4101 -$905.14 -$885.11 $20.03
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 18 -5380.1887 0.0523 0.0687 -$281.32 -$369.53 -$88.21
Participant Characteristic Age 19 to 24 -8280.1185 0.2876 0.3017 -$2,381.21 -$2,497.81 -$116.60
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -7811.8103 0.3758 0.3434 -$2,935.81 -$2,682.72 $253.09
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -9444.5543 0.1612 0.1383 -$1,522.65 -$1,305.95 $216.70
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -5595.9715 0.0675 0.0723 -$377.94 -$404.67 -$26.73
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -9593.4864 0.0545 0.0705 -$522.52 -$676.33 -$153.81
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 1050.5736 0.0490 0.0641 $51.50 $67.39 $15.89
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -1313.2486 0.1035 0.0947 -$135.90 -$124.37 $11.53
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -1740.0634 0.0370 0.0321 -$64.45 -$55.81 $8.64
Participant Characteristic Race: Caucasian -1738.6843 0.7952 0.7749 -$1,382.61 -$1,347.28 $35.33
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -774.2122 0.0675 0.0614 -$52.29 -$47.55 $4.74
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity 3626.6086 0.0980 0.1259 $355.55 $456.48 $100.93
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -237.6563 0.0166 0.0077 -$3.94 -$1.83 $2.11
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 1425.6974 0.0188 0.0176 $26.78 $25.08 -$1.70
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 1183.6808 0.0011 0.0022 $1.31 $2.56 $1.25
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 3664.2575 0.0077 0.0046 $28.34 $16.96 -$11.38
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program 5413.4911 0.0066 0.0022 $35.89 $11.70 -$24.19
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 3109.8293 0.1133 0.0169 $352.31 $52.69 -$299.62
Participant Characteristic Veteran 364.9199 0.0131 0.0130 $4.77 $4.75 -$0.02
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency 371.1942 0.2407 0.2759 $89.36 $102.43 $13.07
Participant Characteristic Single Parent -1029.5627 0.0316 0.0163 -$32.52 -$16.82 $15.70
Participant Characteristic Low Income -512.3499 0.2625 0.3610 -$134.51 -$184.94 -$50.44
Participant Characteristic Homeless -287.6299 0.0109 0.0106 -$3.13 -$3.05 $0.09
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 27.0619 0.0305 0.0381 $0.83 $1.03 $0.21
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker 482.9270 0.0076 0.0100 $3.68 $4.82 $1.14
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth -2178.9619 0.0065 0.0076 -$14.24 -$16.48 -$2.24
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -608.8946 0.3758 0.4681 -$228.83 -$285.01 -$56.18
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient -13.1265 0.0283 0.0145 -$0.37 -$0.19 $0.18
Participant Characteristic Public Assistance Recipient -919.7830 0.6068 0.7247 -$558.08 -$666.53 -$108.45
Participant Characteristic Individual with Auditory and/or Communicative Disability 2984.0088 0.1176 0.0660 $351.06 $196.83 -$154.23
Participant Characteristic Individual with Physical Disability 1479.0590 0.1569 0.1767 $232.01 $261.35 $29.34
Participant Characteristic Individual with Intellectual and/or Learning Disability -1554.0047 0.4052 0.4269 -$629.73 -$663.45 -$33.72
Participant Characteristic Individual with Psychosocial and/or Psychological Disability 1661.9034 0.2636 0.2644 $438.11 $439.49 $1.38
Participant Characteristic Individual with a significant disability 451.1189 0.1688 0.2635 $76.17 $118.89 $42.72
Participant Characteristic Individual with most significant disablility 256.1703 0.8203 0.7328 $210.13 $187.73 -$22.40
Participant Characteristic Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers 118.9418 0.3115 0.0039 $37.06 $0.47 -$36.59
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Special Education Certificate/Completion (No HS diploma) -844.2671 0.0033 0.0015 -$2.80 -$1.30 $1.50
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -76273.7279 0.0311 0.0276 -$2,374 -$2,106 $268.85
Economic Condition Construction Employment -37343.5569 0.0615 0.0625 -$2,298 -$2,335 -$37.63
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -72209.4252 0.0870 0.0797 -$6,283 -$5,754 $529.22
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -72962.6838 0.0470 0.0497 -$3,429 -$3,626 -$196.85
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -126757.2001 0.0462 0.0450 -$5,860 -$5,708 $152.80
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment -21051.4322 0.1297 0.1552 -$2,730 -$3,268 -$538.42
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -70425.3067 0.2296 0.2207 -$16,172 -$15,541 $630.20
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -80944.8663 0.0845 0.0980 -$6,843 -$7,929 -$1,086.34
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -147721.3770 0.0276 0.0284 -$4,077 -$4,190 -$113.53
Economic Condition Public Administration -91269.8249 0.0523 0.0494 -$4,770 -$4,509 $261.45
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -9757.3391 0.0841 0.0421 -$820 -$411 $409.35

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
33.92% 33.62% -0.30%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0786 0.4424 0.4133 -3.48% -3.25% 0.23%
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 18 0.2450 0.0648 0.0722 1.59% 1.77% 0.18%
Participant Characteristic Age 19 to 24 0.2643 0.2403 0.2977 6.35% 7.87% 1.51%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 0.2396 0.3592 0.3443 8.61% 8.25% -0.36%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 0.0106 0.1653 0.1465 0.18% 0.16% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 0.3708 0.0905 0.0697 3.35% 2.58% -0.77%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.5217 0.0778 0.0654 -4.06% -3.41% 0.65%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.0495 0.0473 0.0564 0.23% 0.28% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.2973 0.1004 0.0977 -2.99% -2.90% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.1943 0.0347 0.0363 -0.67% -0.70% -0.03%
Participant Characteristic Race: Caucasian -0.1040 0.7805 0.7706 -8.11% -8.01% 0.10%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple -0.1522 0.0558 0.0560 -0.85% -0.85% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.3716 0.1031 0.1242 -3.83% -4.62% -0.78%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -0.0383 0.0228 0.0099 -0.09% -0.04% 0.05%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.1411 0.0076 0.0179 -0.11% -0.25% -0.15%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree -0.0251 0.0027 0.0037 -0.01% -0.01% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.2179 0.0094 0.0069 0.21% 0.15% -0.05%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program -0.2869 0.0073 0.0007 -0.21% -0.02% 0.19%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.5483 0.1074 0.0219 5.89% 1.20% -4.69%
Participant Characteristic Veteran 0.0053 0.0202 0.0165 0.01% 0.01% 0.00%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency -0.0216 0.2093 0.2725 -0.45% -0.59% -0.14%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent 0.3740 0.0280 0.0219 1.05% 0.82% -0.23%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.1232 0.2717 0.3677 -3.35% -4.53% -1.18%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.1824 0.0151 0.0133 -0.28% -0.24% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 0.2857 0.0344 0.0391 0.98% 1.12% 0.14%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.2297 0.0081 0.0108 -0.19% -0.25% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth 0.0536 0.0057 0.0072 0.03% 0.04% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0303 0.3682 0.4693 -1.12% -1.42% -0.31%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 0.0131 0.0317 0.0180 0.04% 0.02% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Public Assistance Recipient -0.2315 0.6906 0.7199 -15.99% -16.67% -0.68%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Auditory and/or Communicative Disability 0.0131 0.0799 0.0650 0.10% 0.09% -0.02%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Physical Disability 0.2252 0.2120 0.1659 4.77% 3.74% -1.04%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Intellectual and/or Learning Disability 0.1273 0.3661 0.4154 4.66% 5.29% 0.63%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Psychosocial and/or Psychological Disability -0.0149 0.3004 0.2837 -0.45% -0.42% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a significant disability -0.3253 0.2319 0.2241 -7.54% -7.29% 0.26%
Participant Characteristic Individual with most significant disablility -0.2322 0.7606 0.7741 -17.66% -17.98% -0.32%
Participant Characteristic Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers -0.0109 0.3236 0.0043 -0.35% 0.00% 0.35%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Special Education Certificate/Completion (No HS diploma) -0.0246 0.0043 0.0018 -0.01% 0.00% 0.01%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 5.6249 0.0311 0.0276 17.51% 15.53% -1.98%
Economic Condition Construction Employment 6.1804 0.0615 0.0625 38.03% 38.65% 0.62%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment 6.7916 0.0870 0.0797 59.10% 54.12% -4.98%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment 15.3132 0.0470 0.0497 71.96% 76.09% 4.13%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment 5.9962 0.0462 0.0450 27.72% 27.00% -0.72%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 6.9142 0.1297 0.1552 89.66% 107.34% 17.68%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment 6.4212 0.2296 0.2207 147.45% 141.70% -5.75%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 6.9795 0.0845 0.0980 59.00% 68.37% 9.37%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment 14.3746 0.0276 0.0284 39.67% 40.78% 1.10%
Economic Condition Public Administration 5.8072 0.0523 0.0494 30.35% 28.69% -1.66%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.1156 0.0841 0.0421 -0.97% -0.49% 0.49%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2022 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
17.65% 23.38% 5.73%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.4954 0.4424 0.4133 -21.92% -20.48% 1.44%
Participant Characteristic Age 16 to 18 0.2795 0.0648 0.0722 1.81% 2.02% 0.21%
Participant Characteristic Age 19 to 24 -0.0756 0.2403 0.2977 -1.82% -2.25% -0.43%
Participant Characteristic Age 25 to 44 -0.0274 0.3592 0.3443 -0.99% -0.95% 0.04%
Participant Characteristic Age 45 to 54 -0.3304 0.1653 0.1465 -5.46% -4.84% 0.62%
Participant Characteristic Age 55 to 59 -0.3621 0.0905 0.0697 -3.28% -2.52% 0.75%
Participant Characteristic Age 60 or more -0.4501 0.0778 0.0654 -3.50% -2.94% 0.56%
Participant Characteristic Race: Asian 0.4794 0.0473 0.0564 2.27% 2.70% 0.43%
Participant Characteristic Race: Black -0.1181 0.1004 0.0977 -1.19% -1.15% 0.03%
Participant Characteristic Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.1039 0.0347 0.0363 0.36% 0.38% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Race: Caucasian -0.0176 0.7805 0.7706 -1.37% -1.36% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Race: Multiple 0.8142 0.0558 0.0560 4.54% 4.56% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Hispanic Ethnicity -0.8828 0.1031 0.1242 -9.10% -10.97% -1.86%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0437 0.0228 0.0099 0.10% 0.04% -0.06%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0913 0.0076 0.0179 0.07% 0.16% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.1690 0.0027 0.0037 0.05% 0.06% 0.02%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.3327 0.0094 0.0069 0.31% 0.23% -0.08%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Graduate Program -0.6464 0.0073 0.0007 -0.47% -0.05% 0.42%
Participant Characteristic Employment Status at Program Entry 0.9879 0.1074 0.0219 10.61% 2.16% -8.44%
Participant Characteristic Veteran -0.1660 0.0202 0.0165 -0.34% -0.27% 0.06%
Participant Characteristic Limited English Proficiency 0.0730 0.2093 0.2725 1.53% 1.99% 0.46%
Participant Characteristic Single Parent -0.2747 0.0280 0.0219 -0.77% -0.60% 0.17%
Participant Characteristic Low Income -0.1010 0.2717 0.3677 -2.74% -3.71% -0.97%
Participant Characteristic Homeless -0.0542 0.0151 0.0133 -0.08% -0.07% 0.01%
Participant Characteristic Individual who was Incarcerated 0.3675 0.0344 0.0391 1.26% 1.44% 0.17%
Participant Characteristic Displaced Homemaker -0.2589 0.0081 0.0108 -0.21% -0.28% -0.07%
Participant Characteristic Foster Care Youth 1.0383 0.0057 0.0072 0.59% 0.75% 0.15%
Participant Characteristic Long-term Unemployed -0.0480 0.3682 0.4693 -1.77% -2.25% -0.49%
Participant Characteristic TANF Recipient 0.0303 0.0317 0.0180 0.10% 0.05% -0.04%
Participant Characteristic Public Assistance Recipient 0.1698 0.6906 0.7199 11.73% 12.22% 0.50%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Auditory and/or Communicative Disability -0.3412 0.0799 0.0650 -2.73% -2.22% 0.51%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Physical Disability -0.2039 0.2120 0.1659 -4.32% -3.38% 0.94%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Intellectual and/or Learning Disability 0.0159 0.3661 0.4154 0.58% 0.66% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Individual with Psychosocial and/or Psychological Disability -0.0564 0.3004 0.2837 -1.69% -1.60% 0.09%
Participant Characteristic Individual with a significant disability -0.1878 0.2319 0.2241 -4.35% -4.21% 0.15%
Participant Characteristic Individual with most significant disablility 0.0604 0.7606 0.7741 4.59% 4.67% 0.08%
Participant Characteristic Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers -0.0300 0.3236 0.0043 -0.97% -0.01% 0.96%
Participant Characteristic Highest Grade Completed: Special Education Certificate/Completion (No HS diploma) -0.3641 0.0043 0.0018 -0.16% -0.07% 0.09%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -9.7842 0.0311 0.0276 -30.46% -27.01% 3.45%
Economic Condition Construction Employment -4.4067 0.0615 0.0625 -27.12% -27.56% -0.44%
Economic Condition Manufacturing Employment -5.1658 0.0870 0.0797 -44.95% -41.17% 3.79%
Economic Condition Information Services Employment -10.2599 0.0470 0.0497 -48.21% -50.98% -2.77%
Economic Condition Financial Services Employment -3.6834 0.0462 0.0450 -17.03% -16.59% 0.44%
Economic Condition Professional and Business Services Employment 1.1864 0.1297 0.1552 15.38% 18.42% 3.03%
Economic Condition Educational or Health Care Employment -4.9098 0.2296 0.2207 -112.74% -108.35% 4.39%
Economic Condition Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -4.5516 0.0845 0.0980 -38.48% -44.59% -6.11%
Economic Condition Other Services Employment -23.3783 0.0276 0.0284 -64.52% -66.32% -1.80%
Economic Condition Public Administration -3.2088 0.0523 0.0494 -16.77% -15.85% 0.92%
Economic Condition Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.6905 0.0841 0.0421 -5.80% -2.91% 2.90%