U.S. Department of Labor

Office of Labor-Management Standards
Boston District Office
JFK Federal Building, Suite E-365
Boston, MA 02203
(617) 624-6690 Fax: (617) 624-6606

May 29, 2013

Mr. Robert Garzillo, Treasurer
National Education ASN IND
R.I. School of Design Faculty
2 College Street
Providence, RI 02903-2717
Case Number: 110-17622
LM Number: 541105

Dear Mr. Garzillo:

This office has recently completed an audit of National Education Association Independent, R.I. School of Design Faculty under the Compliance Audit Program (CAP) to determine your organization’s compliance with the provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). As discussed during the exit interview with Treasurer Robert Garzillo and President Henry Ferreira on May 28, 2013, no violations of the LMRDA were disclosed in areas of financial activity included in the CAP. This does not exhaust all possible problem areas, however, since the audit conducted was limited in scope and did not include all areas of your union’s operation.

As a result of the audit, is was learned that meeting minutes were not maintained for the period of the audit year. Although there were no disbursements made other than per capita tax payments, please be aware that meeting minutes of all membership or executive board meetings must report any disbursement authorizations made at those meetings. Please be aware that any future authorization for disbursements should be documented by the secretary.

Per the Articles of the Rhode Island School of Design Faculty Association NEARI/NEA, Article VII (Officers), Section 4 “the secretary shall record, distribute, and maintain minutes of all general meetings; shall record, distribute, and maintain minutes of all open meetings of the Executive Committee; shall record and maintain minutes of all closed meetings of the Executive Committee; shall maintain files of minutes and reports of all standing special committees which shall be available to any active member upon request except for reasons stated by the Executive Committee; shall exist the President and Vice-President in correspondence; and shall be a member of the Executive Committee”.

I want to extend my personal appreciation to National Education Association Independent, R.I. School of Design Faculty for the cooperation and courtesy extended during this compliance audit. I strongly recommend that you make sure this letter and the compliance assistance materials provided to you are passed on to future officers. If we can provide any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call.



cc: Mr. Henry Ferreira, President