ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 1 - 9 of 9Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Child Labour in Herding in Rural Areas of Swaziland
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This report contains the results of a survey on child labor in herding in Swaziland conducted for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The report also includes information on the child labor situation in Swaziland, information on the national laws on child protection and education, as well as information on safety issues for children engaged in herding activities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Child Labour in Herding in Rural Areas of Swaziland
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This report contains the results of a survey on child labor in herding in Swaziland conducted for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The report also includes information on the child labor situation in Swaziland, information on the national laws on child protection and education, as well as information on safety issues for children engaged in herding activities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Trabajo infantil y adolescente en el sector rural agrícola, pecuario, forestal y de pesca y piscicultura en Paraguay - Encuesta de actividades de niños, niñas y adolescentes – EANA RURAL 2015
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This report lays out the results from the Survey of Activties of Boys, Girls, and Adolescents in rural areas (EANA) of Paraguay. This research seeks to generate first-hand statistical information that provides a detailed dive into the tasks carried out by children and adolescents who live in rural areas of the country, with particular interest in agricultural, livestock, forestry and fishing economic activities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Guía de Prácticas: Crianza de Bovinos
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Practice Guide: Bovine Farming - This Agricultural Practices Guide is part of the effort made by the educational community made up of teachers, parents, students and authorities, with the support of the DYA-Bolivia Foundation through the Ñawpaqman Puriy Kereimba Ch'iki Wawita project, to build the Agricultural Technical Humanistic Baccalaureate, based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Education in compliance with Education Law No. 070 Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
En Contra la Explotación Laboral Infantil Hoja Informativa
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Against Child Labor Exploitation Fact Sheet - A fact sheet detailing 21 of the worst forms of child labor in Bolivia by nature and by the child's condition. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
Trainers' Manual on Child Labour for Agriculture Extension Officers in Ghana
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A manual intended for extension officers in their engagement with farmers, farm workers and farmer groups to facilitate their understanding of the three components of this manual; Unit 1: Understanding the Concepts of Child Labour, Unit 2: Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSH&E) in the Agriculture Sector of Ghana, and Unit 3: The Role of Agriculture Extension Officers in Implementing the Ghana Child Labour Monitoring System (GCLMS). Under each unit, the trainer is given basic notes on the objectives for the unit, expected outputs, sessions and duration, preparation, materials required, methodology, procedure, evaluation, and key messages. The units are also supported with a resource section to furnish the trainer with key information that will enhance their capability to facilitate the sessions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Research and Documentation on Workplace Hazards and How to Regulate Standards in the Informal Sectors, in Central and Southern Ethiopia: Research Report, 2013
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A report presenting results of research into the types and the magnitude of workplace hazards children were exposed to in Ethiopia, especially in the traditional weaving, farming and fishing sectors. Presents suggestions for standards that could be imposed upon informal labor sectors in two zones of the South Nation and Nationalities People Region, Wolayta and Gamo Gofa, and Guliele Sub-city in Addis Ababa administrative city. |
World Vision |
Child Labour and Education in Pastoralist Communities in South Sudan
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This study aims at developing an in–depth understanding of the child labor phenomenon in selected pastoralist communities with the aim of informing the formulation and/or revision of public policies and programmes on education and child labor elimination. Specifically, this study sets forth to assess the following dimensions of this phenomenon: the extent of pastoralist children’s participation in schooling; the magnitude and nature of child labor with respect to herding of livestock in both bomas (homesteads) and cattle camps; understanding the different hazards associated with child related activities; and gauging the attitude and perceptions of children, youth and their parents on education and child labor in their communities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Addendum. School Management Committee Resource Handbook.
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This reference material is an addendum to the School Management Committee Resource Handbook. This addendum introduces three important reference materials: Child Labour, Governance and Leadership. Child labour is captured under Section 2 (Access and participation) of the training manual. Leadership and governance is captured under section 3 (management efficiency). This addendum seeks to provide information to trainers/facilitators using the updated SMC Training Manual. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Child Labour in Herding in Rural Areas of Swaziland
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This report contains the results of a survey on child labor in herding in Swaziland conducted for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The report also includes information on the child labor situation in Swaziland, information on the national laws on child protection and education, as well as information on safety issues for children engaged in herding activities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Child Labour in Herding in Rural Areas of Swaziland
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This report contains the results of a survey on child labor in herding in Swaziland conducted for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The report also includes information on the child labor situation in Swaziland, information on the national laws on child protection and education, as well as information on safety issues for children engaged in herding activities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Trabajo infantil y adolescente en el sector rural agrícola, pecuario, forestal y de pesca y piscicultura en Paraguay - Encuesta de actividades de niños, niñas y adolescentes – EANA RURAL 2015
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This report lays out the results from the Survey of Activties of Boys, Girls, and Adolescents in rural areas (EANA) of Paraguay. This research seeks to generate first-hand statistical information that provides a detailed dive into the tasks carried out by children and adolescents who live in rural areas of the country, with particular interest in agricultural, livestock, forestry and fishing economic activities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Guía de Prácticas: Crianza de Bovinos
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Practice Guide: Bovine Farming - This Agricultural Practices Guide is part of the effort made by the educational community made up of teachers, parents, students and authorities, with the support of the DYA-Bolivia Foundation through the Ñawpaqman Puriy Kereimba Ch'iki Wawita project, to build the Agricultural Technical Humanistic Baccalaureate, based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Education in compliance with Education Law No. 070 Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
En Contra la Explotación Laboral Infantil Hoja Informativa
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Against Child Labor Exploitation Fact Sheet - A fact sheet detailing 21 of the worst forms of child labor in Bolivia by nature and by the child's condition. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
Trainers' Manual on Child Labour for Agriculture Extension Officers in Ghana
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A manual intended for extension officers in their engagement with farmers, farm workers and farmer groups to facilitate their understanding of the three components of this manual; Unit 1: Understanding the Concepts of Child Labour, Unit 2: Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSH&E) in the Agriculture Sector of Ghana, and Unit 3: The Role of Agriculture Extension Officers in Implementing the Ghana Child Labour Monitoring System (GCLMS). Under each unit, the trainer is given basic notes on the objectives for the unit, expected outputs, sessions and duration, preparation, materials required, methodology, procedure, evaluation, and key messages. The units are also supported with a resource section to furnish the trainer with key information that will enhance their capability to facilitate the sessions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Research and Documentation on Workplace Hazards and How to Regulate Standards in the Informal Sectors, in Central and Southern Ethiopia: Research Report, 2013
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A report presenting results of research into the types and the magnitude of workplace hazards children were exposed to in Ethiopia, especially in the traditional weaving, farming and fishing sectors. Presents suggestions for standards that could be imposed upon informal labor sectors in two zones of the South Nation and Nationalities People Region, Wolayta and Gamo Gofa, and Guliele Sub-city in Addis Ababa administrative city. |
World Vision |
Child Labour and Education in Pastoralist Communities in South Sudan
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This study aims at developing an in–depth understanding of the child labor phenomenon in selected pastoralist communities with the aim of informing the formulation and/or revision of public policies and programmes on education and child labor elimination. Specifically, this study sets forth to assess the following dimensions of this phenomenon: the extent of pastoralist children’s participation in schooling; the magnitude and nature of child labor with respect to herding of livestock in both bomas (homesteads) and cattle camps; understanding the different hazards associated with child related activities; and gauging the attitude and perceptions of children, youth and their parents on education and child labor in their communities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Addendum. School Management Committee Resource Handbook.
Show Description
This reference material is an addendum to the School Management Committee Resource Handbook. This addendum introduces three important reference materials: Child Labour, Governance and Leadership. Child labour is captured under Section 2 (Access and participation) of the training manual. Leadership and governance is captured under section 3 (management efficiency). This addendum seeks to provide information to trainers/facilitators using the updated SMC Training Manual. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |