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Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training: EPA Solicits Proposals to Conduct Research and Provide TA to Grantees

Release Date

July 12, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency is now soliciting proposals from eligible entities to conduct research and provide technical assistance to new, existing, and/or prospective EPA Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) grantees.

EPA anticipates awarding one Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant for an estimated $1,400,000; subject to availability of funds, quality of proposals received, and other applicable considerations. The award is anticipated to be funded incrementally on an annual basis over seven years, at approximately $200,000 per year.

In addition to providing on-going technical assistance throughout the project period, the successful applicant will be responsible for developing an annual meeting to facilitate peer-to-peer networking and provide training to the EWDJT grantees.

The closing date for proposals is September 20.

See: EPA-OLEM-OBLR-19-03