Outreach Directory

Directory of Outreach and Recruitment Resources

General Outreach Resources

Resources for finding organizations that serve the general population or more than one population

Community and Faith-Based Organizations

Pre-apprenticeship Programs for Building-Trades Occupations


Persons of Color

African Americans


Asian Americans

Native Americans/Pacific Islanders

Individuals with Disabilities

LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)


Other Suggestions for Reaching Persons Available for Apprenticeship Without Regard to Race, Sex, Ethnicity, or Disability

  • In addition to sending notices of apprenticeship openings to the sources you identify, educate these sources on the benefits of apprenticeship and opportunities in the relevant industry.
  • Include your local vocational, career, and technical schools on your list of recruitment sources.
  • Include the local chapter(s) of the general, minority, and women's trade and professional organizations relevant to the occupation(s) you are training for on your list of recruitment sources.
  • Post or distribute flyers in venues frequented by populations that you might otherwise not reach (for example, child-care centers; gyms and shopping centers in minority neighborhoods).
  • Participate in job fairs and other high-visibility community events, such as parades.
  • Use social media such as Facebook and other online services to reach individuals who are not connected to any service provider.
  • Consider posting openings on online job banks, especially those geared toward under-represented populations. Costs for such job banks vary; some may be cost-effective.
  • Involve graduates of your program and other stakeholders in recruiting through their personal networks.
  • Reach out to locally sponsored amateur sports leagues for women, people of color, LGBT, people with disabilities, seniors, etc.
  • Advertise openings in print and online media aimed at communities you might not otherwise reach.
  • Above all, make an outreach and recruitment plan - don't just do it the way you've always done it before.