Hall of Honor Inductee: Arthur J. Goldberg

Arthur J. Goldberg

Arthur J. Goldberg (1908 — 1990)

"In a world where poverty is the common condition of most of mankind, our willingness to bend every resource for the benefit of a person adversely affected by change is a concrete demonstration of our moral commitment to better each individual life."

The son of immigrants, he personified the American success story. A brilliant, idealistic student of the law and a champion of working people, he rose to the highest positions in the land: secretary of labor, Supreme Court justice and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. As a leading counsel to the nation's trade unions, he helped win historic gains on behalf of the American worker. Humanitarian, internationalist, judicial scholar, author and teacher, his life was a living monument to the ceaseless struggle against injustice and to the improvement of the human condition.

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