Nayo Bato Naya Paila (New Path New Steps)

Project Duration
September 2009
April 2013
Funding and Year

The Problem

The Government of Nepal’s Master Plan for the Elimination of Child Labor targets 16 worst forms of child labor to be eliminated in a seven-year period. Child labor is deeply embedded in the cultural, social, and economic scenarios and history of Nepal. While the root of child labor lies in poverty, other factors such as ethnicity, geography, and civil conflict have contributed to the problem.

Our Strategy


To reduce the worst forms of child labor in Nepal. The project helps children withdrawn from or at risk of the worst forms of child labor by:

  • Reducing barriers to their success in formal and alternative school systems
  • Refining and implementing policies and laws to increase access to education and other child protection services in formal and alternative school systems
  • Increasing access to case management systems
  • Increasing stakeholder commitment to address these children's needs in formal and alternative school systems

The project also seeks to increase the knowledge base on child labor related issues.


  • Developed community mobilization strategies to support schools, reduce child labor, and build commitment of education policymakers for increased parent and community participation in decentralized management of education
  • Conducted action research and rapid assessments to determine local strategies and educational interventions to combat child labor
  • Expanded and strengthened parent-teacher associations and trained school management committees to improve education quality
  • Provided greater access to gender sensitive non-formal education programs for girls as well as options that enable working youth to continue learning, and facilitated transition for program graduates into other training opportunities
  • Trained government officials, child protections committees, and implementing partners to conduct case management activities in support of a uniform case management system
  • Engaged parents in governance of non-formal education classes, mobilized local stakeholders to support vocational education, and improved the quality of educational programs through Village Awareness and Orientation Programs
  • Built the educational capacity of NGOs involved in rescue and rehabilitation of child laborers, and provided school support to children reintegrated in home communities
  • Improved the legal protection for child laborers through strengthening of the juvenile justice system
  • Disseminated best practices on the role of education in the rehabilitation of child workers
  • Integrated basic vocational skills into formal and transitional education programs
  • Provided temporary shelter, health, and psychosocial care, in additional to education services to girls working in commercial sexual exploitation


The project withdrew 10,202 children and prevented 9,831 children from work in six hazardous sectors:

  • restaurant-entertainment workers (engaged in commercial sexual exploitation)
  • domestics
  • porters
  • brick factory workers
  • mine/quarry workers
  • zari (embroidered textiles) industry workers

The project targeted a total of 15 districts.

World Education
Contact Information:
(202) 693-4843 / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
Child Labor
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Domestic Work
Restaurant/Entertainment Workers