Against Child Exploitation (ACE) Project

Project Duration
September 2019
September 2024
Funding and Year

ACE seeks to strengthen governments and communities in Asia to address the worst forms of child labor, including the online sexual exploitation of children, and promote acceptable conditions of work through a unified and participatory approach in the Philippines and Vietnam.

The Problem

The worst forms of child labor are abusive and exploitative practices that affect children around the world. The inadequate enforcement of labor laws and policies and the lack of assistance and services for victims of child labor and forced labor create vulnerabilities leading to exploitation. Child laborers and victims of forced labor also typically work in situations that fall outside the internationally recognized conditions of work. Major factors contributing to child labor include household poverty, migration from rural to urban areas, and limited access to education. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor (2017) report on the Philippines, children are engaged in the worst forms of child labor, including commercil sexual exploitation, and perform dangerous tasks in agriculture and gold mining. In Vietnam, approximately  1.75 million children are estimated to be engaged in child labor,  with the majority between ages 12-17 and from rural areas. These children have a greater risk of dropping out of school and many experience work-related illnesses and injuries.

Our Strategy

The ACE project works to strengthen the capacity of governments to effectively counter the worst forms of child labor, including the online sexual exploitation of children; and promotes acceptable conditions of work. ACE is active in the Philippines and Vietnam. 

The project is engaged in: (1) improving the enforcement of the legal framework, including working with local governments to bring local laws in line with national policy; (2) expanding services to victims; and (3) strengthening partnerships to accelerate progress in addressing the worst forms of child labor, including the online sexual exploitation of children.

World Vision
Implementing Partners:
ABA ROLI, World Vision
Contact Information: / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
Child Labor
Acceptable Conditions of Work
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Worst Forms of Child Labor